Every child matters
Every child matters
Presented to Parliament by
the Chief Secretary to the Treasury
by Command of Her Majesty
September 2003
Cm 5860 £22.00
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Foreword by the Prime Minister 1
Introduction by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury 3
Executive Summary 5
The Challenge 13
Strong Foundations 25
Supporting Parents and Carers 39
Early Intervention and Effective Protection 51
Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally
and Nationally 67
Workforce Reform 83
Consultation Process and Summary of Questions 98
Timetable for Action on Information Sharing101
Every child matters – Foreword 1
For most parents,
our children are
everything to us: our
hopes, our ambitions,
our future. Our
children are
cherished and loved.
But sadly, some children are not so fortunate.
Some children’s lives are different. Dreadfully
different. Instead of the joy, warmth and
security of normal family life, these children’s
lives are filled with risk, fear, and danger: and
from what most of us would regard as the
worst possible source – from the people
closest to them.
Victoria Climbié was one of those children.
At the hands of those entrusted with her
care she suffered appallingly and eventually
died. Her case was a shocking example from
a list of children terribly mistreated and
abused. The names of the children involved,
echoing down the years, are a standing
shame to us all.
Every inquiry has brought forward proposals
for change and improvement to the child
protection system. There have been reforms.
Things have got better for many. But the fact
that a child like Victoria Climbié can still
suffer almost unimaginable cruelty to the
point of eventually losing her young life
shows that things are still very far from right.
More can and must be done.
Responding to the inquiry headed by
Lord Laming into Victoria’s death, we are
proposing here a range of measures to
reform and improve children’s care – crucially,
for the first time ever requiring local
authorities to bring together in one place
under one person services for children, and at
the same time suggesting real changes in the
way those we ask to do this work carry out
their tasks on our and our children’s behalf.
For children for whom action by the
authorities has reduced the risk they face, we
want to go further: we want to maximise the
opportunities open to them – to improve
their life chances, to change the odds in their
Foreword by the
Prime Minister
favour. So in addition, this Green Paper puts
forward ideas on a number of related issues,
including parenting, fostering, young
people’s activities and youth justice. All these
proposals are important to children’s health
and security.
Sadly, nothing can ever absolutely guarantee
that no child will ever be at risk again from
abuse and violence from within their own
family. But we all desperately want to see
people, practices and policies in place to
make sure that the risk is as small as is
humanly possible. I believe that the
proposals we are putting forward here
constitute a significant step towards
that goal.
2 Every
child matters – Foreword
Every child matters –Introduction 3
I was delighted to be asked by the Prime
Minister to lead the development of this
Green Paper. Over the past year, I have met
and worked with a range of practitioners,
academics, policymakers and children and
young people. Their influence has shaped
the paper – their ideas and advice have been
Every Child Matters is published alongside a
detailed response to Lord Laming’s Report
into the death of Victoria Climbié, and a
report produced by the Social Exclusion Unit
on raising the educational attainment of
children in care. I am extremely grateful to
Lord Laming and his team for all their work
on the inquiry that led to his report.
This Green Paper seeks views from everyone
but it is addressed in particular to those vital
groups of staff and professionals who are
committed to meeting children’s needs. The
Government recognises their dedication, the
progress they have made and the lead they
have given, even while asking new questions
and setting new challenges.
Since 1997, we have tried to put children
first. We have increased the focus on
prevention through the child poverty
strategy, Sure Start, and our work to raise
school standards. But there is still more to do.
The circumstances surrounding the tragic
death of Victoria Climbié bring home only
too powerfully that there is no room for
We have to do more both to protect children
and ensure each child fulfils their potential.
Security and opportunity must go hand in
hand. Child protection must be a
fundamental element across all public,
private and voluntary organisations. Equally,
we must be ambitious for all children,
whoever they are and wherever they live.
Introduction by the
Chief Secretary to
the Treasury
Creating a society where children are safe
and have access to opportunities requires
radical reform. This Green Paper builds on
existing plans to strengthen preventative
services by focusing on four key themes.
First, we need to increase our focus on
supporting families and carers – the most
critical influence on children’s lives. Second,
we need to ensure necessary intervention
before children reach crisis point and protect
children from falling through the net. Third,
we need to address the underlying problems
identified in the Victoria Climbié Inquiry
Report – weak accountability, and poor
integration. Fourth, we need to ensure that
the people working with children are valued,
rewarded and trained.
This is the beginning of a long journey,
which will present challenges for all of us,
but from which we must not flinch. We will
be called upon to make common cause
across professional boundaries and with
reformed structures and services to create
the means by which the needs, interests and
welfare of children can be better protected
and advanced. Underpinning this must be
not just the resources but an attitude that
reflects the value that our society places on
children and childhood.
Children are precious. The world they must
learn to inhabit is one in which they will face
hazards and obstacles alongside real and
growing opportunities. They are entitled not
just to the sentiment of adults but a strategy
that safeguards them as children and realises
their potential to the very best of our ability.
4 Every
child matters – Introduction
Every child matters – Executive Summary 5
Past failings
1 The death of Victoria Climbié exposed
shameful failings in our ability to protect
the most vulnerable children. On twelve
occasions, over ten months, chances to save
Victoria’s life were not taken. Social services,
the police and the NHS failed, as Lord
Laming’s report into Victoria’s death made
clear, to do the basic things well to
protect her.
2 From past inquiries into the deaths of
Maria Colwell and Jasmine Beckford to
recent cases such as Lauren Wright and
Ainlee Walker, there are striking similarities
which show some of the problems are of
long standing. The common threads which
led in each case to a failure to intervene early
enough were poor co-ordination; a failure to
share information; the absence of anyone
with a strong sense of accountability; and
frontline workers trying to cope with staff
vacancies, poor management and a lack of
effective training.
3 The most tragic manifestation of these
problems is when we fail to protect children
at risk of harm or neglect. But the problem of
children falling through the cracks between
different services goes much further. Too
often children experience difficulties at
home or at school, but receive too little
help too late, once problems have reached
crisis point.
4 As Lord Laming’s recommendations made
clear, child protection cannot be separated
from policies to improve children’s lives as a
whole. We need to focus both on the
universal services which every child uses, and
on more targeted services for those with
additional needs. The policies set out in the
Green Paper are designed both to protect
children and maximise their potential. It sets
out a framework for services that cover
children and young people from birth to
19 living in England.i It aims to reduce the
numbers of children who experience
educational failure, engage in offending or
anti-social behaviour, suffer from ill health,
or become teenage parents.
Executive Summary
5 We need to ensure we properly protect
children at risk within a framework of
universal services which support every child
to develop their full potential and which aim
to prevent negative outcomes. That is why
this Green Paper addresses the needs of
children at risk in the context of the services
we provide for all children.
Where we are now
6 Over the past few years, we have seen that
progress is possible:
in education, last year we saw our best
ever results in all key stages
there are 500,000 fewer children living
in households with relative low income
than in 1997
since 1997 the reconviction rate for young
offenders has reduced by 22 percent
the Government’s teenage pregnancy
strategy has produced a ten percent
reduction in conception rates among
under 18 year olds since 1998
many of the measures put in place now,
including Sure Start and measures to
tackle low income through welfare to
work and tax credits, will only see their
full dividends in years to come.
7 But there is still more to do. Truancy
remains a persistent problem. There are still
too many 16 to 18 year olds not in education
or training, and the educational achievement
of children in care remains far too low.
On many fronts, including low income, the
gap in achievement between different
socio-economic classes, and the number
of children who are the victims of crime,
we need to do more to catch up with
other countries.
8 Overall, this country is still one where
chances are unequal. This damages not only
those children born into disadvantage, but
our society as a whole. We all stand to share
the benefits of an economy and society with
less educational failure, higher skills, less
crime, and better health. We all share a duty
to do everything we can to ensure every
child has the chance to fulfil their potential.
Where we want to get to
9 Our aim is to ensure that every child has
the chance to fulfil their potential by
reducing levels of educational failure, ill
health, substance misuse, teenage
pregnancy, abuse and neglect, crime and
anti-social behaviour among children and
young people.
10 When we consulted children, young
people and families, they wanted the
Government to set out a positive vision of
the outcomes we want to achieve. The five
outcomes which mattered most to children
and young people were:
being healthy: enjoying
good physical
and mental health and living a healthy
staying safe: being
protected from harm
and neglect
enjoying and achieving: getting
most out of life and developing the skills
for adulthood
6 Every
child matters – Executive Summary
making a positive contribution: being
involved with the community and society
and not engaging in anti-social or
offending behaviour
economic well-being: not
prevented by economic disadvantage
from achieving their full potential in life.
11 The Government has built the
foundations for improving these outcomes
through Sure Start, raising school standards,
and progress made towards eradicating child
poverty. Chapter Two sets out our plans to
build on these successes through:
creating Sure Start Children’s
in each of the 20 percent most deprived
neighbourhoods. These combine nursery
education, family support, employment
advice, childcare and health services on
one site
promoting full service extended
schools which are open beyond school
hours to provide breakfast clubs and
after-school clubs and childcare, and
have health and social care support
services on site
increasing the focus on activities for
children out of school through the
creation of a Young People’s Fund
with an initial budget of £200 million
increasing investment in child
adolescent mental health services
(CAMHS) to deliver a ten percent
increase in CAMHS capacity each year
for the next three years. All areas
are expected to put in place a
comprehensive CAMHS by 2006
improving speech and language
therapy. The forthcoming National
Service Framework for Children will set
out proposals to improve services,
including training para-professionals,
supported by specialist staff
tackling homelessness. By March
no homeless family with children should
be placed in bed and breakfast
accommodation, unless in a short term
reforms to the youth justice system.
The Government intends to revise the
Child Safety Order to make it more
effective and build on the success of the
Intensive Supervision and Surveillance
Programme by using it more widely as an
alternative to custody. We will also create
a new range of community sentences and
make greater use of a wider range of
residential placements such as intensive
fostering for young offenders, including
for 10 and 11 year old persistent offenders.
Green Paper proposals
12 We are building on the progress already
made by focusing action on four main areas:
supporting parents and carers
early intervention and effective
accountability and integration – locally,
regionally and nationally
workforce reform
Every child matters – Executive Summary 7
Supporting parents and carers
13 The Government intends to put
supporting parents and carers at the heart of
its approach to improving children’s lives
where support is needed or wanted. To build
additional capacity in this area, the
Government has announced the creation of
a Parenting Fund of £25 million over the next
three years. We are consulting on a long
term vision to improve parenting and family
support through:
universal services such as
health and social services and childcare
providing information and advice and
engaging parents to support their child’s
targeted and specialist support to
parents of children requiring additional
compulsory action through
Orders as a last resort where parents are
condoning a child’s truancy, anti-social
behaviour or offending.
14 All children deserve the chance to grow
up in a loving, secure family. Through the
adoption modernisation programme, local
authorities are already delivering significant
increases in adoption of looked after
children. The Adoption and Children Act
2002 will further strengthen this programme
of reform. This Green Paper consults on
measures to tackle the recruitment and
retention challenges in foster care, and to
ensure that foster carers have the skills and
support they need to care for vulnerable
children. The Government is seeking
suggestions for radical and imaginative ways
of encouraging people to become foster
carers and ensuring they are valued and
Early intervention and effective
15 Some children will always require extra
help because of the disadvantages they
face. The key is to ensure children receive
services at the first onset of problems, and
to prevent any children slipping through
the net. We will do this by:
improving information sharing
between agencies to ensure all local
authorities have a list of children in their
area, the services each child has had
contact with, and the contact details of
the relevant professionals who work with
them. The Government will remove the
legislative barriers to better information
sharing, and the technical barriers to
electronic information sharing through
developing a single unique identity
number, and common data standards on
the recording of information
developing a common assessment
framework. We will expect every local
authority to identify a lead official with
responsibility for ensuring information is
collected and shared across services for
children, covering special educational
needs, Connexions, Youth Offending
Teams, health, and social services. The
aim is for basic information to follow the
child to reduce duplication
8 Every
child matters – Executive Summary
introducing a lead professional.
Children known to more than one
specialist agency should have a single
named professional to take the lead on
their case and be responsible for
ensuring a coherent package of services
to meet the individual child’s needs
developing on the spot service
delivery. Professionals will be
encouraged to work in multi-disciplinary
teams based in and around schools and
Children’s Centres. They will provide a
rapid response to the concerns of
frontline teachers, childcare workers and
others in universal services.
Accountability and integration – locally,
regionally and nationally
16 We want to put children at the heart of
our policies, and to organise services around
their needs. Radical reform is needed to
break down organisational boundaries. The
Government’s aim is that there should be
one person in charge locally and nationally
with the responsibility for improving
children’s lives. Key services for children
should be integrated within a single
organisational focus at both levels.
To achieve this the Government will:
legislate to create the post of Director
of Children’s Services, accountable for
local authority education and children’s
social services
legislate to create a
lead council
member for children
in the long term, integrate key services
for children and young people under the
Director of Children’s Services as part of
Children’s Trusts. These bring together
local authority education and children’s
social services, some children’s health
services, Connexions and can include
other services such as Youth Offending
Teams. Children’s Trusts will normally be
part of the local authority and will report
to local elected members
require local authorities to work closely
with public, private and voluntary
organisations to improve outcomes for
children. Local authorities will be given
flexibility over how this partnership
working is undertaken
in relation to child protection, require
the creation of Local Safeguarding
Children Boards as the statutory
successors to Area Child Protection
17 To support local integration, the
Government has created a new Minister
Children, Young People and Families in
the Department for Education and Skills to
co-ordinate policies across Government.
The Government has brought responsibility
for children’s social services, family policy,
teenage pregnancy, family law, and the
Children and Family Court Advisory and
Support Service (CAFCASS) in DfES.
Every child matters – Executive Summary 9
18 The Government will encourage joining
up locally by:
ensuring children are a priority across
services. Local bodies such as the police
and health organisations will, subject to
consultation, have a new duty to
safeguard children, promote their wellbeing
and work together through these
partnership arrangements. We intend to
give local authorities a duty to promote
the educational achievement of children
in care
setting out clear practice standards
expected of each agency in relation to
rationalising performance targets, plans,
funding streams, financial accountability
and indicators
creating an integrated inspection
framework for children’s services. Ofsted
will take the lead in bringing together
joint inspection teams. This will ensure
services are judged on how well they
work together
creating an improvement and
intervention function to drive up
performance by sharing effective
practice, and intervening where services
are failing.
19 Real service improvement is only
attainable through involving children and
young people and listening to their views.
This Green Paper sets out proposals for a
new Children’s Commissioner to act as an
independent champion for children,
particularly those suffering disadvantage.
The Commissioner will report annually to
Parliament through the Secretary of State.
Workforce reform
20 The people who work with children are
central to keeping them safe and helping
them get the most out of life. We owe a debt
of gratitude for the difficult and challenging
work that they perform. We want to value the
specific skills that people from different
professional backgrounds bring, and we also
want to break down the professional barriers
that inhibit joint working, and tackle
recruitment and retention problems. Our goal
must be to make working with children an
attractive, high status career, and to develop a
more skilled and flexible workforce. Over time,
and subject to consultation and resources, the
Government would like to develop a package
of measures to deliver this:
a workforce reform strategy to improve
the skills and effectiveness of the
children’s workforce developed in
partnership with local employers and
staff. This will review rewards, incentives
and relativities across children’s practice
with the aim of moving towards a
framework that fairly rewards skills and
responsibilities, and ensures effective
incentives for good practitioners to stay
on the front line
a high profile recruitment campaign for
entry into the children’s workforce
10 Every
child matters – Executive Summary
a comprehensive workload survey to
address bureaucracy, and identify ways of
freeing up time for face to face work with
children and families
more flexible and attractive training routes
into social work, including expanding
work-based training routes for graduates
common occupational standards across
children’s practice linked to modular
qualifications which allow workers to
move between jobs more easily
a common core of training for those who
work solely with children and families
and those who have wider roles (such
as GPs and the police) to help secure
a consistent response to children’s
and families’ needs and a better
understanding of professional roles
a review undertaken by the Chief Nursing
Officer of the contribution that health
visitors and other nurses and midwives
can make for children at risk
a leadership development programme
to foster high calibre leadership.
21 The development and delivery of
workforce proposals will be taken forward
through two new bodies. A Children’s
Workforce Unit, based in the Department
for Education and Skills, will develop a pay
and workforce strategy for those who work
with children. The Children’s Workforce Unit
will work with the relevant employers, staff
and Government Departments to establish
a Sector Skills Council (SSC) for Children
and Young People’s Services to
deliver key
parts of the strategy.
Next steps
22 The Government welcomes your views
on the framework set out in this consultation
document. We intend to develop a strong
partnership with our stakeholders –
practitioners, academics, policymakers and
children and young people. We would like
your views on the overall vision for children’s
and families’ services, the implementation
priorities within it, and the practicalities that
need to be tackled to deliver it. Subject to
the outcome of this consultation, the
Government intends to introduce legislation
as soon as Parliamentary time allows.ii
Every child matters – Executive Summary 11
i The Green
Paper covers all children in England. The policies and proposals it contains
apply to England only except
where they relate to non-devolved responsibilities,
such as Home Office Services, where they apply equally to Wales.
Both the Welsh Assembly Government and the Scottish
Executive have expressed keen interest in and closely followed
the development of the Green Paper and they will each
consider which parts of the approach being adopted in
England they will seek to adapt respectively.
ii A Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) to accompany
the proposals contained in this Green Paper has been prepared
and is available on the DfES website at:
In addition to commenting on the Green Paper
proposals, you may wish to comment on the contents of the RIA, which
will be revised during the course of the consultation
to take account of up-to-date information.
Every child matters – The Challenge 13
This Government has invested heavily in
policies designed to give all children the
chance to succeed. There have already
been significant improvements in
educational achievement, and reductions
in teenage pregnancy, re-offending and
children living in low income households.
Today’s children and young people
experience wider opportunities and
benefit from rising prosperity, better
health and education than those in
previous generations.
However, there is still more to do. Whilst
most children and young people are
doing well, a significant minority
experience problems that may lead to
poor outcomes both during childhood
and later in life. Truancy remains a
persistent problem. There are too many
16 to 18 year olds not in education or
training, and the educational
achievement of children in care remains
far too low. The tragic death of Victoria
Climbié shows that some children fall
through the net and are not adequately
protected. We need to ensure we
properly protect children at risk of
neglect and harm within a framework of
universal services which aims to prevent
negative outcomes and support every
child to develop their full potential.
This Chapter sets out:
our goals for children and young
how well we are doing in relation
to them
what factors shape children’s
life chances
what policy challenges need
be addressed.
Our goals for children and young people
1.1 This Green Paper sets out policies
to reduce the number of children who
experience educational failure, suffer ill
health, become pregnant as teenagers, are
the victims of abuse and neglect, or become
involved in offending and anti-social
1.2 When we consulted children, young
people and families they wanted the
The Challenge
Government to set out these aims in terms
of a positive vision of what, as a society, we
want to achieve for our children. They
wanted an approach that was less about
intervening at points of crisis or failure, and
more about helping every child to achieve
his or her potential. They wanted an
approach that involved children, families,
communities and public services working to
a shared set of goals, rather than narrow or
contradictory objectives.
1.3 There was broad agreement that five
key outcomes really matter for children and
young people’s well-being:
being healthy: enjoying
good physical
and mental health and living a healthy
staying safe: being
protected from harm
and neglect and growing up able to look
after themselves
enjoying and achieving: getting
most out of life and developing broad
skills for adulthood
making a positive contribution: to the
community and to society and not
engaging in anti-social or offending
economic well-being: overcoming
socio-economic disadvantages to achieve
their full potential in life.
1.4 Everyone in our society has a
responsibility for securing these outcomes.
Families, communities, Government, public
services, voluntary organisations, business,
the media and others have a crucial part to
play in valuing children, protecting them,
promoting their interests and listening to
their views.
1.5 Achieving these outcomes has benefits
for children, families, and society as a whole.
Children gain through improved health, wellbeing
and prosperity now and in the future.
Future generations benefit as we know that
children of parents who experienced
poverty, were in public care, or teenage
parents are more likely to experience poor
outcomes than their peers.
1.6 Society as a whole benefits through
reduced spending on problems that can be
avoided and through maximising the
contribution to society of all citizens. For
instance, a child with a conduct disorder at
age 10 will cost the public purse around
£70,000 by age 28 – up to ten times more
than a child with no behavioural problems.i
The overall cost of providing foster and
residential care placements for 60,000
children is £2.2 billion per year.
How well are we doing?
1.7 Over the last generation, children’s lives
have undergone profound change. Children
have more opportunities than ever before,
and benefit from rising prosperity,
opportunities to study longer and better
health. However, they also face more
uncertainties and risks: children face earlier
exposure to sexual activity, drugs and
alcohol. Family patterns are changing. There
are more lone parents, more divorces and
more women in paid employment all of
which has made family life more complex.
14 Every
child matters – The Challenge
These changes have come at a time when
we better understand the importance of
early influences on the development of
values and behaviour.
Figure 1
1.8 In recent years, there has been
unprecedented investment and priority
given to services for children to promote
equal chances and to improve prevention
and encourage early intervention. Key policy
changes include:
significant real terms rises in Child Benefit
and more generous support through
new tax credits. Child tax credits alone
will provide £13 billion of support for
families with children
record investment in early years
education for all children and childcare
for children through Sure Start
introduction of literacy and numeracy
strategies in primary schools and extra
support for schools in deprived areas
through Excellence in Cities
introduction of Quality Protects and the
Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000
the Children’s Fund which supports local
projects for 5 to 13 year olds and the
Local Network Fund which invests in
local community and voluntary groups
working for and with children and young
people aged 0-19
the creation of Connexions to provide
advice, guidance and personal
development opportunities for young
people aged 13-19
the teenage pregnancy strategy and the
wider Sexual Health and HIV Strategy
the creation of Youth Offending Teams
and the Youth Justice Board
the updated Drugs Strategy published
in December 2002, which will provide
increased support for young people,
especially those that are vulnerable
an end to bed and breakfast
accommodation for homeless families
with children: new homelessness
legislation treats 16 and 17 year olds not
supported by social services as being
vulnerable and in ‘priority need’ for
* These children may not be on the child protection
register, nor looked after, nor in need, nor
** These children are included in the children in need
figure, and not all children on the child protection
register are children looked after.
All children
(11 million)
Vulnerable children
(3–4 million)
Children in need
Children looked after**
On child protection
from abuse
or neglect
(50–100 per
Every child matters – The Challenge 15
16 Every
child matters – The Challenge
Being healthy
Regular smoking by 11-15 year olds in England has decreased since 1996
from 13 to 10
percent. But levels of obesity are rising. Between 1996 and 2001 the
proportion of obese
children aged 6-15 years in England rose by 4 percent.
Teenage conception rates were 10 percent lower in 2001 than they were in
1998. But the
UK still has the highest rate of teenage births within Western Europe.
In 2002 the World Health Organisation reported that the UK had the
lowest rate of suicide
amongst 26 countries. However, suicide still accounts for a fifth of
deaths amongst our
young people.
Staying safe
There were 59,700 children in care in England in March 2002, an increase
of 22 percent
since March 1994. However, numbers on child protection registers in
England have been
falling. At 31 March 2002 there were 25,700. Ten years previously, the
number was 38,600.
Between 1981 and 2001 the proportion of juvenile males in England and
Wales cautioned
or convicted of an offence fell from 70 per 1,000 juvenile males in the
population to
51 per 1,000. However, the equivalent rate for females rose from 13 to
14 per 1,000.
A study of offending and victimisation amongst 11 to 16 year olds in
mainstream schools
found that almost half (46 percent) reported being the victim of some
kind of offence in
the last 12 months.
Up to one in ten women experience domestic violence each year; in 90
percent of
incidents, children are in the same or next room, and one in three child
protection cases
shows a history of domestic violence against the mother.
Enjoying and achieving
Since 1997 the proportion of 11 year olds achieving the expected level
in English and
maths for their age has increased by 12 percentage points, from 63
percent to 75 percent
in English and from 61 percent to 73 percent in maths.
In 2002 over 51 percent of 15 year olds gained at least five GCSEs at
grades A*-C, an
increase of over 6 percentage points since 1997. But achievement is not
consistent across
different ethnic groups: students from Chinese and Indian backgrounds
significantly above average GCSE results; black pupils and those from
Pakistani and
Bangladeshi backgrounds achieve poorer GCSE results.
Unauthorised absence has remained constant since 1995/96 at 0.7 percent
of half days
1.9 There are strong signs that these policies
are delivering progress. However, as the box
above shows, while the vast majority of
children thrive there is still a very wide range
of experiences. The death of Victoria Climbié
showed that children can still suffer the most
appalling neglect and abuse, and that
services can fail them, sometimes with
tragic consequences.
What shapes outcomes?
1.10 We have a good idea what factors
shape children’s life chances. Research tells
us that the risk of experiencing negative
outcomes is concentrated in children with
certain characteristics and experiences.
Although research has not built up a detailed
picture of the causal links, certain factors are
associated with poor outcomes including:ii
low income and parental unemployment
poor parenting
poor schooling
post-natal depression among mothers
low birth weight
substance misuse
individual characteristics such as
community factors, such as living in a
disadvantaged neighbourhood.
Every child matters – The Challenge 17
One in eleven young people aged 16-18 years were not in education,
employment or
training at the end of 2001 and one in four young people spend some time
education, training and work between 16 and 18.
Making a positive contribution
A recent study of secondary pupils aged 11 to 18 found that all but 14
percent had
participated in some form of community activity in the past year – 50
percent had taken
part in fundraising or collecting money for charity.
Estimates from the 2001 General Election suggest turnout was lowest
among 18-24 year
olds, with just two in five voting.
Economic well-being
Between 1992 and 1995 the proportion of children living in working age
households was broadly constant at 19 percent. By 2003, the proportion
had fallen to
15.2 percent in 2003.
The proportion of children living in households with relative low
incomes fell between
1996-97 and 2001-02 from 34 percent to 30 percent after housing costs.
The proportion
of children living in households with absolute low incomes showed a
large fall from
34 percent to 20 percent after housing costs.
1.11 Outcomes also vary by race and
gender. Underachievement and school
exclusion are particularly concentrated in
certain ethnic groups. Boys have higher rates
of offending and exclusion, while self-harm
and eating disorders are more prevalent
among girls.
1.12 The more risk factors a child experiences,
such as being excluded from school and family
breakdown, the more likely it is that they will
experience further negative outcomes.iii
Research suggests that parenting appears to
be the most important factor associated with
educational attainment at age 10, which in turn
is strongly associated with achievement later in
life. Parental involvement in education seems
to be a more important influence than poverty,
school environment and the influence of peers.
1.13 A range of protective factors can help
children overcome disadvantage including:iv
strong relationships with parents, family
members and other significant adults
parental interest and involvement in
education with clear and high
positive role models
individual characteristics such as an
outgoing nature, self-motivation,
active involvement in family, school and
community life
recognition, praise and feeling valued.
1.14 Children are particularly affected by
their experience during the early years
before they reach school age. As Figure 2
below shows, even at 22 months, there
is a big gap between the development of
children from different socio-economic
groups. Other research shows that the
academic results of boys are particularly
18 Every
child matters – The Challenge
average %
Age 22 months: average development ranking by mother’s
socio-economic status and qualification level
High socio-economic
status +
A levels/Degree
Middle socioeconomic
status +
Low socio-economic
status + no
Figure 2: The socio-economic position of parents affects children from a
very early age
Source: Feinstein, 1999.vi
affected if their mother has suffered from
post-natal depression. Teenagers who were
severely underweight at birth achieve lower
GCSE grades than their peers.v
1.15 When children enter primary school,
children from poorer backgrounds start to
fall behind children from higher income
families. As Figure 3 shows, children from a
poor background with a high developmental
score at 22 months have fallen behind by the
age of 10, compared to children from higher
socio-economic groups but with a low
developmental score at 22 months.
Every child matters – The Challenge 19
Oppositional &
Blamed by
Disliked by
Gets into fights
Rejected by peers
Low self esteem
Hard to control
Poor school
Blames others
Stealing and
Deviant peer
Anti-social attitude
Career offender
Drug misuse
5 years 8 years 11 years 14 years 17 years
% of all
No past anti-social behaviour
10% 10% 10% 10%
Figure 4: Continuity of anti-social behaviour from age 5 to 17
Figure 3
Source: Scott 2002
Research conducted by Stephen Scott for Home Office,
2002 (unpublished).
Average position in the distribution
Age in months
22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 100 106 112 118
High Socio-Economic Status (SES);
high early rank
High SES;
low early rank
Low SES;
high early rank
Low SES;
low early rank
Source: Feinstein, Economica (2003)
1.16 Although experience during the early
years is important, life chances continue
to be forged throughout children’s lives.
Problems can build up cumulatively over
time reinforcing disadvantage, as Figure 4
1.17 A critical transition is from primary to
secondary school and the onset of puberty.
As Figure 5 shows, the gap in educational
achievement between higher and lower
socio-economic groups opens up starkly
in the first years of secondary school from
11 to 14.
Policy challenges
1.18 The implications of this analysis are
that there needs to be:
better prevention. We need
to tackle
the key drivers of poor outcomes,
including poverty, poor childcare and
early years education, poor schooling and
lack of access to health services. By
mainstreaming preventative approaches,
such as those developed through Sure
Start, we ought to reduce the numbers
of children requiring more intensive
support. Support need to be provided
throughout the lifecycle, with increasing
attention focused on two critical periods:
the early years, and the beginning of
secondary school as children experience
puberty. Services need to focus
particularly on addressing inequalities
across gender and ethnicity
a stronger focus on parenting and
families. We need to pay more attention
to the critical relationships between
children and their families and provide
them with better support. We should
recognise the vital role played by fathers
as well as mothers. When children cannot
remain with their birth parents, we need
20 Every
child matters – The Challenge
2002 KS1 (age 7) 2002 KS2 (age 11) 2002 KS3 (age 14)
Pupils not on Free School Meals Pupils on Free School
% of pupils reaching the expected levels
Figure 5: The transition from primary to secondary school
Notes: The expected level is the average of reading,
writing and maths at KS1 and English, maths and science at KS2 and KS3
Source: 2002 Provisonal results from the National
Pupil Database
to ensure they can develop stable, loving
relationships with carers
earlier intervention. We need
a greater
focus on ensuring children at risk are
identified earlier. We need to be able to
share information to identify children
who require additional support, and
provide a tailored service that safeguards
them from abuse and neglect, and
enables them to fulfil their potential.
1.19 To deliver these reforms, we need to
address two underlying challenges,
highlighted by the Victoria Climbié Inquiry
Report, and other studies:
weak accountability and poor
integration. Our existing system for
supporting children and young people
who are beginning to experience
difficulties is often poorly co-ordinated
and accountability is unclear. This means
that information is not shared between
agencies so that warning signs are not
recognised and acted upon. Some
children are assessed many times by
different agencies and despite this may
get no services. Children may experience
a range of professionals involved in their
lives but little continuity and consistency
of support. Organisations may disagree
over who should pay for meeting a
Every child matters – The Challenge 21
Services for
children at
high risk
For example:
Child protection
Adoption and fostering
Services for families with
complex problems
For example:
Children and Families’ Social Services
Targeted Parenting Support
Services for children and families with
identified needs
For example:
SEN and disability
Speech and language therapy
Services for all children in targeted areas
For example:
Sure Start
Children’s Centres
Services for all children and families
For example:
Health – GPs, midwives, health visitors
Education – early years and schools
Connexions – 13–19
Figure 6: Targeted services within a universal context
child’s needs because their problems cut
across organisational boundaries.
Fragmentation locally is often driven by
conflicting messages and competing
priorities from central Government.
workforce reform. We need
to do more
to ensure working with children is seen
as an attractive career, and improve skills
and inter-professional relationships. Many
of those who work with children and
young people in vital frontline roles feel
undervalued, and in some cases under
siege. Problems are most acute in social
work, where there is an 11 percent
vacancy rate nationally (as high as
40–50 percent in some London
boroughs). Some professionals working
with children have no routine training in
child development, child protection or
domestic violence issues and frontline
staff often lack awareness of specialist
issues like mental health, special
educational needs and substance misuse.
1.20 The following Chapters examine in
more detail how the five challenges set out
above will be addressed.
22 Every
child matters – The Challenge
i Scott,
Stephen et al Financial costs of
social exclusion: follow up study of antisocial children into adulthood, British Medical
Journal, July 2001; 323:191.
ii Department
for Education and Skills, Participation in education, training and employment
by 16-18 year olds in
England 2000 and 2001 Statistical First Release
iii Bynner, J
Childhood Risks and Protective Factors in Social Exclusion, Children and
Society, 2001, vol.15, pp.285-301.
iv Joseph
Rowntree Foundation, A National Survey of Problem Behaviour and Associated Risk
and Protective Factors
Among Young People (April 2002).
v Feinstein,
Birth Cohort Study (1999).
vi Feinstein, Birth Cohort Study (1999).
Every child matters – The Challenge 23
Every child matters – Strong Foundations 25
Over the last six years, the Government
has put in place strong foundations to
improve services for children and young
people. This Chapter sets out our
commitment to build on these
achievements to meet the needs of all
children and young people through:
tackling child poverty
ensuring children have a Sure Start
raising primary and secondary school
standards and participation in post
16 learning
increasing access to primary health
care and specialist health services
reducing offending and anti-social
building strong and vibrant
ensuring children are safe.
Child poverty
2.1 The Government is committed to
halving child poverty by 2010, and
eradicating it by 2020. The best way to tackle
child poverty is to widen opportunities for
parents to work, and raise the incomes
of working families. To achieve this, the
Government is:
helping parents enter work through the
New Deal
removing the barriers to work through
widening access to childcare
ensuring work pays through the national
minimum wage and the introduction of
tax credits for working families.
2.2 In addition, the Government has
increased financial support for all families
with children in recognition of the costs and
responsibilities that come with parenthood.
2.3 Those who need greatest support
receive the most help, including families on
lower incomes, those with children under
one, and parents of disabled children. The
new Child Tax Credit plays a key part in the
Government’s strategy to tackle child
poverty, providing a single system of
income-related support for families with
Strong Foundations
Ensuring children have a Sure Start
2.4 The period from conception through
to the start of school is critical to later life
chances. The Government aims to extend
the principles developed in Sure Start local
programmes across other services. These
principles focus on: working with parents
and children; starting very early and being
flexible at the point of delivery; providing
services for everyone and ensuring services
are community driven, professionally
co-ordinated across agencies and outcome
focused. The Government is building on the
introduction of Sure Start and the National
Childcare Strategy through further
investment over the next three years.
Improved access to ante and post-natal care
2.5 The most vulnerable women are more
likely to delay seeking care when pregnant
and to fail to attend clinics regularly. Through
the Government’s National Service
Framework for Childreni and other policies,
the Government is:
creating more accessible primary care, for
instance, through walk-in centres and the
expansion of Sure Start
looking at standards for improving access
to maternity services and improving the
identification of and services for postnatal
exploring how health visitor services can
be more closely integrated with other
community services for families and
provide support to families in greatest
piloting routine ante-natal questioning
for domestic violence.
Sure Start Children’s Centres, early years and
2.6 The Government is establishing a
network of Sure Start Children’s Centres in
disadvantaged areas, offering integrated
early education and full day care, health
services, and family and parenting support.
These will reach pre-school children in the
20 percent poorest wards by March 2006.
Children’s Centres will play a key role in
supporting groups who are at risk as well
as delivering mainstream childcare and
education services.
2.7 Children’s Centres will signpost families
to other services and facilities, for example
local play spaces, childcare for older children
and children’s information services.
Children’s Centres will play a key role in
communities alongside schools and general
practitioners as a focus for parents and
children to access services.
2.8 The Government is also increasing the
amount of childcare and out of school care
in all areas, including at least 1,150,000 new
childcare places by 2006, start up support
for childcare providers, and funding for
sustaining childcare provision in
disadvantaged areas. In addition to this,
we will be shortly extending free part time
education, currently available for all four
year olds, to all three year olds.
26 Every
child matters – Strong Foundations
Better early years support for disabled
2.9 Early identification of learning
or disabilities can be vital to a child’s learning
and life chances. In some areas, major
breakthroughs have recently been made. In
particular, the screening of newborn babies
means that deafness and hearing problems
can now be diagnosed months or years
earlier than in the past.
2.10 The Government has been working
with the voluntary sector, the National
Health Service, local authorities and others
to set in place an Early Support Pilot
Programme to support families of very
young disabled children. We are evaluating
lessons from this programme with a view to
extending aspects of the Early Support Pilot
Programme across the country.ii
Raising primary and secondary school
standards and participation in post 16
2.11 Excellent education is vital to the lives
of vulnerable children. The Government has
recently set out plans for the reform of the
primary and secondary education system to
ensure high standards for all pupilsiii. This
section looks at measures to improve school
attendance and behaviour, improve
outcomes for children with special
educational needs, ensure more children stay
on in education or training after 16, and
integrate services through extended schools
and clusters of schools.
Improving school attendance and behaviour
2.12 Through the national behaviour and
attendance strategy, the Government is
implementing a number of measures:
providing key workers for every child at
risk through projects in schools in 61
creating multi-agency Behaviour and
Education Support Teams working with
a cluster of schools to help those pupils
with the most serious problems
from September 2003, providing training
and support to all secondary schools in
England in behaviour and attendance as
part of the Key Stage 3 Strategy, and
piloting similar work in primary schools
in 25 local education authorities (LEAs)
providing intensive support to 56 LEAs
with high levels of truancy
increasing the numbers of learning
mentors and learning support units
ensuring nationally co-ordinated truancy
sweeps take place regularly
implementing the Fast Track to
Prosecution initiative
through the Anti-Social Behaviour Bill,
providing all local education authorities
and schools with additional tools, such as
penalty notices and parenting contracts,
with which to tackle truancy.
2.13 For children who are permanently
excluded from schools, the Government will
maintain the full time provision that is now
in place for all excluded pupils. We must
Every child matters – Strong Foundations 27
ensure that alternative provision is effective,
appropriate and of good quality. We will also
ensure that by 2005 there are systems in
place in every local authority to identify and
maintain contact with children who might
miss education; and that by 2006, all children
identified as missing education or at risk of
doing so receive a full time education
appropriate to their needs.
Raising the attainment of minority
ethnic pupils
2.14 There is evidence to show that the
performance of pupils from certain minority
ethnic backgrounds lags considerably
behind that of their peers. Through a national
strategy for raising the attainment of minority
ethnic pupils, the Government will:
develop the leadership capacity in
schools to deliver a whole school
approach to raising achievement
provide teachers with knowledge and
skills and support them to close
achievement gaps
develop strategies for supporting
bilingual learners
develop strategies for addressing the low
achievement levels of African-Caribbean
pupils and reducing levels of exclusion
use resources more effectively to support
the achievement of minority ethnic
Special educational needs
2.15 The Government has made
improvements to the law to give young
people with special educational needs (SEN)
and disabilities a stronger right to a place in
mainstream school and to extend the
protection of the Disability Discrimination
Act to education.
2.16 Our focus now is on improving
educational outcomes for all children. While
the statutory framework provides important
assurances, the processes involved can be
time-consuming, bureaucratic and
frustrating for parents and children alike, and
there remain wide variations in levels of
service provision across the country.
2.17 We are tackling these problems
through the development of an SEN Action
Programme. The Action Programme will
focus on practical measures to promote early
identification and intervention for children
with SEN, raise expectations and
achievement and build the capacity of
schools and early years settings, working
with health and social care, to provide good
teaching and support for all children. Our
aim is to ensure that parents have the
confidence that their children’s needs will be
met quickly and effectively throughout their
education without feeling that the only way
to achieve this is through a statement.
Education and training in the teenage years
2.18 The Government is committed to
ensuring more young people stay on in
education and training until they are 19 and
28 Every
child matters – Strong Foundations
make a successful transition to adulthood.
To achieve this we are:
creating a more flexible curriculum from
14-19 to respond to individual needs and
aspirations, with improved vocational
options and better individual planning
from the end of Key Stage 3
developing the Connexions service,
which provides information and support
for 13-19 year olds. It helps young people
stay engaged in education, training and
employment. For those who need it, it
provides intensive support from a
personal adviser. With the young person,
that adviser can develop an individual
package of learning and remove barriers
to achievement, addressing such issues
as housing needs and financial support
implementing nationally the Education
Maintenance Allowance to provide all
16-19 year olds from low income
backgrounds in full time education
with up to £30 a week
ensuring that every child will be granted
a Child Trust Fund with an initial
endowment at birth of £250, rising to
£500 for children in the poorest third
of families
reviewing financial support for 16-19 year
olds to examine the incentives for young
people to stay in education and training
financial support for young people and
their carers, including those living
independently and those in very lowpaid
employment; and how the system
of financial support might be rationalised.
2.19 For young people leaving care, we
have made a significant start through the
Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000. This puts
stronger duties on local authorities to
support care leavers until they are 21. The
trend for young people to leave care at 16
has been reversed. For disabled young
people, and those with learning difficulties,
we will take steps to improve the transition
to adulthood through the National Service
Framework for Children, the SEN Action
Programme, and the work of Connexions.
Integrating services through extended
schools and clusters of schools
2.20 The Government wants to integrate
education, health and social care services
around the needs of children. To achieve
this, we want all schools to become
extended schools – acting as the hub for
services for children, families and other
members of the community. Extended
schools offer the community and their pupils
a range of services (such as childcare, adult
learning, health and community facilities) that
go beyond their core educational function.
2.21 The Government is also creating a
network of full service extended schools,
with at least one in every LEA in England by
2006. Each full service school will offer a core
of childcare, study support, family and
lifelong learning, health and social care,
parenting support, sports and arts facilities,
and access to Information Technology. By
2006, all LEAs will also be funded to employ
school based managers or LEA co-ordinators
to develop more services for children and
to be provided in school buildings.
Every child matters – Strong Foundations 29
Increasing access to primary health care
and specialist health services
2.22 The new national standards developed
through the National Service Framework for
Children (NSF) will help to ensure better
access and smoother progression in the
provision of services for children, from initial
contact with the NHS, via a GP surgery or
NHS hospital, through to social services
2.23 Over the past year, expert working
groups have been set up to focus on: the
health of all children; maternity services; child
and adolescent mental health services;
disabled children; children in special
circumstances; hospital and acute services;
and medicines. These themes will be taken
forward as the NSF is finalised, along with
the development of a range of toolkits to
support implementation.
Primary health care
2.24 GPs and the primary health care team
are the cornerstone of family health care for
the vast majority of children. There are over
10,000 surgeries, many within ‘pram-pushing
distance’ of deprived communities. The
Government has a range of policies to
improve access to primary care, to increase
the range of services available outside
hospital settings and to reduce health
inequalities. Key developments include:
the new General Medical Services
contract will improve the quality of
services for children. We want to ensure
that clinicians in primary care have extra
training to develop their expertise to
deliver more specialised care with
children without requiring a hospital visit.
Most of those receiving extra training are
currently GPs, but many nurses and
others will also develop special skills
the links between primary care services
and their local communities will need to
be preserved and enhanced in future
years. The development of connections
between Children’s Centres, Children’s
Trusts (see Chapter Five) and General
Practice will be critical to ensuring
continuity of care, information sharing
and effective support for children at risk.
Specialist health services
2.25 There are a range of specialist health
services that are critical to supporting
children, particularly those with acute needs,
or who require therapeutic services.
Speech and Language Therapy
2.26 Action has been taken to increase the
number of speech and language training
places by 31 percent between 1998/9 and
2.27 However, there are still capacity
constraints leading to long waits for some
young children to access services. Work on
the forthcoming NSF is looking at how to
tackle this, including through support from
specialist services and training paraprofessionals
and assistants. In addition, local
commissioners of services need to use the
increased investment in services for children
to develop effective ways of building
capacity in specialist interventions.
30 Every
child matters – Strong Foundations
Mental health services
2.28 Over the next three years the NHS and
social care will work together to increase
capacity by ten percent each year for the
next three years and to broaden their
services, so that all areas are delivering a
comprehensive Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Service (CAMHS) by 2006.
2.29 A comprehensive service should cover
a diverse range of services appropriate to
the age and circumstances of children and
young people, and to their different levels
of need. For example:
people working in universal services
should be able to identify children who
may need help, and offer advice and
support to those with mild problems
trained mental health workers need to
be able to support workers in other
agencies. Specialist multi-disciplinary
teams should be able to provide
assessment and treatment, and short
and long term interventions and care
services may need to be located in a
range of settings, as near as possible to
home in environments which are
perceived as less stigmatising than
traditional clinic settings, such as schools,
homes and family centres.
2.30 To achieve this, it will be essential to
develop high quality commissioning of
mental health services that takes into
account the needs of groups for whom there
is currently poor or no provision, including
children with learning disabilities, autistic
spectrum disorders, minority ethnic groups,
children and young people who need
in-patient care, children with behavioural
problems, and those in the criminal justice
system. To develop better knowledge of
users’ needs, it will be important to use
creative approaches to consult users of
CAMHS about their views.
2.31 The full NSF, published next year, will
build on the NSF emerging findings to set
national standards for the delivery of services
to meet the needs of children and young
people with mental health problems.
Sexual health
2.32 The Government’s National Strategy for
Sexual Health and HIV published in 2001 set
out a ten year programme of investment and
reform to modernise sexual health services
and reduce unintended pregnancy rates and
sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and to
improve services for people with HIV.iv
2.33 Our new mass media safer sex
campaign should improve awareness of STIs
and how to avoid them. We have also started
rolling out the chlamydia screening
programme. We are investing £10 million in
genito-urinary medicine services this year,
which will deliver shorter waiting times for
urgent appointments and improved access
to services.
Substance misuse
2.34 The Government’s objective is to
reduce the use of Class A drugs and the
frequent use of any illicit drug amongst all
young people under the age of 25 and
especially by the most vulnerable young
Every child matters – Strong Foundations 31
2.35 Education has an important role to play
in delivering this target. We are providing
funding to local education authorities to
expand and improve the quality of drugs
education in schools and we have launched
a major awareness raising campaign –
FRANK – to increase young people’s
understanding of the risks and dangers
associated with Class A drugs.
2.36 We know that some children are more
at risk of substance misuse than others,
including those that are looked after,
homeless, truants and young offenders. We
are therefore providing funding to Primary
Care Trusts, local authorities, Connexions
Partnerships and Youth Offending Teams
to target these vulnerable groups.
2.37 However, we recognise that there is
still more work to be done. We are keen to
improve services in two particular areas:
children’s services commissioners should
ensure that the full range of substance
misuse work from education through to
prevention and treatment is embedded
in mainstream services
all professionals working with children
and young people should be able to
identify, assess and undertake
appropriate action for addressing
substance misuse issues. In order to
enable them to do this effectively,
training on substance misuse should
form part of initial and ongoing
professional development.
Building strong and vibrant communities
2.38 The communities in which children
and their families live have a fundamental
impact on their lives. Children who grow up
in communities scarred by crime and
violence, and lacking safe activities, are
severely disadvantaged.
2.39 A consistent theme of consultations
with children and young people is the
importance of having communities where
there is ‘somewhere safe to go and
something to do’. This not only provides
recreational activity for children and young
people, but helps build the fabric of
communities and increases young people’s
skills, confidence and self-esteem.
2.40 The Government intends to widen
access to a range of structured and
unstructured, supervised and unsupervised,
activities. We are supporting this goal
investment in youth services. The
Government has made £513 million
available this year to local authority youth
services – an average increase of 5.9
percent. In return for this, local authorities
are expected to meet the national
standards for youth work and provide
a pledge to young people about the
services that can expect in their area.vi
Positive Activities for Young People
(PAYP) programme. This new
programme is aimed at those young
people most at risk of anti-social
behaviour, offending or truanting.
The new national programme covers
32 Every
child matters – Strong Foundations
all school holiday periods. £25 million is
being provided for the first year with a
view to extending the programme for a
further two years
Young People’s Fund. An
initial budget
of £200 million has been allocated to the
Fund from the Lottery with the view to
establishing it as an ongoing source of
funding. The views of local young people
will be sought when deciding what
money should be used for in their area
PE and school sport. The
strategy for PE, school sport and club
links is aimed at enhancing the take-up of
sporting opportunities by 5-16 year olds.
The Government has a commitment to
increase the percentage of school
children who spend a minimum of two
hours each week on high quality PE and
school sport within and beyond the
curriculum to 75 percent by 2006.vii
Between 2003 and 2006, the Government
is investing £459 million to transform PE
and school sport, on top of £686 million
to improve school sport facilities across
2.41 In order to maximise the effectiveness
of these resources, Government will look to
local authorities to ensure there is an
effective system for identifying and
prioritising needs more effectively and
signposting opportunities to children, young
people and families.
Anti-social and offending behaviour
2.42 When children and young people
engage in anti-social behaviour or commit
offences, we need to ensure that they to face
up to their actions and redress the harm they
have caused. We also need to ensure that
the system tackles the underlying causes of
such behaviour.
2.43 The Government would like to build on
the success of recent youth justice reforms
by making the system clearer and simpler,
and making more use of effective
interventions known to work. Details of
the youth justice proposals are published
alongside this Green Paper. Key measures
ensuring that there are more effective
powers to intervene positively to address
the behaviour of children under 10 who
commit what would be offences if they
were over the age of criminal
responsibility. This includes revising the
Child Safety Order, and revising the
breach provisions so that proceedings
for a Care Order would no longer be
available as a breach penalty
making the Intensive Supervision and
Surveillance Programme the main
intervention for those who would
otherwise have to go into custody
rationalising the number of community
sentences to create a new simplified
‘menu’ community sentence.
Simplification would make the youth
justice process easier to understand for
those sentencing, for lawyers and for
defendants. It would allow magistrates
the flexibility to select a package of
interventions individually tailored to the
Every child matters – Strong Foundations 33
needs of each young person. The menu
will include provision for drugs treatment,
anger management, parenting
programmes and restorative justice
building on policy set out in the recent
Home Office White Paper Respect and
Responsibility: taking a stand against antisocial
behaviour, we propose making
greater use of a wider range of
imaginative residential placements for
young offenders, such as intensive
fostering, including for 10 and 11 year old
persistent offenders
we also plan to make use of junior
attendance centres by developing them
into broader junior activity centres. This
will give magistrates a flexible facility to
support community sentences,
particularly at weekends.
Ensuring children are safe
Tackling bullying
2.44 The Government is developing a range
of services to tackle bullying in school
ensuring every school has an antibullying
policy that has involved children
in its development and implementationviii
continuing work on Safer Schools
Partnerships which place police in
schools, who work with children and
young people at risk of becoming victims
and offenders and support school staff in
dealing with incidents of crime and antisocial
ensuring that personal, health and social
education (PHSE), citizenship education
and the National Healthy Schools
Standard help children develop good
relationships, learn about conflict
resolution and encourage them to take
responsibility for their own actions and
to support their fellow pupils.
Supporting victims
2.45 In addition, the Government is taking
a range of measures to protect children and
young people who suffer as victims:
support for young victims and witnesses
going through the criminal justice
system, including the early assessment of
their needs and the provision of support
and information, as well as improvements
in the provision of special measures, such
as separate entrances to court buildings
and facilities for providing evidence via
video link
building on existing models of best
practice when dealing with children
who become involved in prostitution,
encouraging inter-agency working.
This will involve a focus on treating
these young people as victims, rather
than offenders
making it easier to bring those who
exploit them to justice by creating a new
offence of commercial sexual exploitation
of a child. This will protect children up to
the age of 18 and will cover buying the
sexual services of a child, coercing a child
into sexual exploitation, facilitating the
commercial sexual exploitation of a child
34 Every
child matters – Strong Foundations
and controlling the activities of a child
involved in prostitution or pornography.
Children and young people suffering from
2.46 Meeting the support needs of
homeless families with children presents
particular challenges since such families can
rapidly become disconnected from services.
2.47 The Homelessness Act 2002 requires
local authorities to conduct a review of
homelessness in their area and put in place a
strategy by July 2003 to tackle and prevent
homelessness. In addition the Homelessness
(Priority Need) Order extended the groups
for which local authorities must give priority
need for accommodation to include young
people leaving care, 16 and 17 year olds not
supported by social services, and other
vulnerable people.
2.48 To build on this, the Government has
set a target that by March 2004 no homeless
family with children should be placed in bed
and breakfast accommodation, unless in a
short term emergency and is consulting on
eliminating the use of bed and breakfast
accommodation for families with children
from April 2004.
2.49 The Government is currently
consulting on standards for temporary
accommodation and proposals to produce
clear guidance on the arrangements that
should be put in place to ensure that all
households, including families with children,
placed in temporary accommodation by
housing authorities under the legislation
receive support to ensure that their health,
education and social services needs are met.
Supporting children entering the country
2.50 Some of the children in greatest need
are unaccompanied asylum seekers. They
may have left their homes and communities
in violent and traumatic circumstances and
be in poor health. Unaccompanied asylumseeking
children now represent
approximately 6 percent of all children in
care, mainly concentrated in London and the
South East.
2.51 The Government will seek to invest
more in training for immigration officers to
improve their identification of children at risk
and help them respond appropriately. We
will also build on existing initiatives which
enable greater joint working between the
Immigration Service, social services and the
police, such as co-locating child protection
police officers at ports.
2.52 Children would often benefit from well
managed care in a part of the country better
able to support them. A pilot safe case
transfer scheme is underway, which ensures
that unaccompanied asylum-seeking
children reach partner local authorities
outside the South East with a package of
support and reception prepared for them.
2.53 The resources provided for the support
of unaccompanied children have increased
over the last few years. In particular, the
Refugee Council’s Children’s Panel plays an
important role in helping children through
the asylum determination process and in
accessing the services that they need for
Every child matters – Strong Foundations 35
inclusion. However, they are only able to
provide support to a minority of children.
We would welcome views on how to
provide more comprehensive and consistent
support for unaccompanied asylum-seeking
children, building on the work of the
Children’s Panel.
2.54 The Government recognises that we
need to increase our capacity to support
children who have been trafficked to the
UK against their will. There is a need for close
co-operation between all the key agencies,
in particular police, immigration and social
services, in order to protect children from
their traffickers and develop intelligence
to disrupt the trafficking networks. Joint
working protocols have been developed
at certain key entry points, and it is important
that work of this kind is further extended.
The publication of a trafficking toolkit, a best
practice guide, has helped to raise awareness
of these issues and provide practical support
for agencies that may come into contact
with potential victims.ix The new offences in
the Sex Offences Bill will provide for tough
14 year prison terms for child trafficking and
sexual exploitation.
36 Every
child matters – Strong Foundations
i The
Government is developing a National Service Framework for children’s health and
social services. The NSF is a tenyear
programme intended to stimulate long-term and
sustained improvement in care.
ii More details
on the early support pilots can be found at (www.esp.org.uk). The Government
has published guidance
relating to this, ‘Together From the Start’
iii More details
on primary and secondary education reforms are set out in Excellence and
Enjoyment and A New
Specialist System: Transforming Secondary Education.
iv For more
details on how the Government is building on this, please see the National
Service Framework for Children
and the Government’s recent document Tackling Health
v For more
details, see the updated Drugs Strategy 2002.
vi For more
details, see Transforming Youth
Work: Resourcing Excellent Youth Services, Department for Education and Skills,
vii Eight
underpinning programmes will achieve this by establishing a national
infrastructure for PE and school sport,
raising the aspirations and performance of those with
talent, improving the quality of teaching and learning,
encouraging involvement in sports leadership and
volunteering, enhancing links between schools and sports clubs
and ensuring that more primary-age children can swim.
viiiTo help
schools create policies that work the Government has produced guidance, a video
and online support
ix The toolkit is
available online at www.crimereduction.gov.uk/toolkits
Every child matters – Strong Foundations 37
Consultation Questions
Views are invited on the proposals set out in this Chapter. In
How can we improve support for unaccompanied
asylum-seeking children,
building on the work of the Children’s Panel?
How can we ensure that serious welfare concerns are
appropriately dealt with
alongside criminal proceedings?
How can we encourage clusters of schools to work
together around extended
Every child matters – Supporting Parents and Carers 39
The Government intends to put
supporting parents and carers at the
heart of its approach to improving
children’s lives. The Green Paper consults
on a long term vision to improve
parenting and family support through:
universal services such
as schools,
health services and childcare
providing information and advice and
engaging parents in supporting their
child’s development, where such
support is needed or wanted
targeted and specialist support to
parents of children requiring
additional support
compulsory action through
Orders as a last resort where parents
are condoning a child’s anti-social
behaviour such as truancy or
All children deserve the chance to grow
up in a loving secure family. Through the
adoption modernisation programme,
local authorities are already delivering
significant increases in adoption of
looked after children. The Adoption and
Children Act 2002 will further strengthen
this programme of reform. The Green
Paper consults on measures to tackle the
recruitment and retention challenges in
foster care, and to ensure that foster
carers have the skills and support they
need to care for vulnerable children.
Why parenting matters
3.1 The bond between the child and their
parents is the most critical influence on a
child’s life. Parenting has a strong impact on
a child’s educational development,
behaviour, and mental health.
3.2 In the past, public policy has paid
insufficient attention to supporting parents
and helping families find solutions for
themselves. By bringing policy on parenting
and family support into the Department for
Education and Skills, alongside policy on
children, the Government has put it at the
heart of children’s services.
Supporting Parents
and Carers
Universal parenting services
3.3 Based on existing practice, the
Government would like to develop more and
better universal services, open to all families
as and when they need them. This could
a national helpline or ’virtual advice
bureau for parents’ which would offer
immediate advice and help and would
signpost parents towards local help and
support. This could build on the
experience of the voluntary and
community organisations in delivering
such services
40 Every
child matters – Supporting Parents and
is a Birmingham LEA initiative which involves parents
in schools and in
children’s learning in order to: build the confidence of parents and
schools to work
more effectively together; increase parental involvement in literacy and
at home; and raise the literacy and numeracy standards achieved by
Parents, extended family members or even neighbours are invited by the
child to sit
side by side with them and the teacher for practical activities such as
producing a
game, song, stories, puppets or books.
More than 300 primary schools in Birmingham are involved and evidence shows
over 40,000 parents involved each year, including some groups who have
hard to engage, such as men and some minority ethnic families.
After the first year, 73 percent of schools reported increased
educational activity
in the home, and 88 percent reported increased parental understanding of
child’s learning in the classroom.
Support is a voluntary organisation working in
over 100 schools
providing school based, school-home support workers to help parents
their children in education. In one project, two workers are employed to
support in
particular Turkish and Kurdish parents across two primary schools on the
of Islington and Hackney. They encourage parents to participate in
English as a Second
Language (ESOL) classes and to take on voluntary roles within the
Spokes Project is an intensive course in primary schools
aimed at reducing antisocial
behaviour and improving reading skills. The first term addresses the
relationship and how to handle difficult behaviour. The second term
a ten week reading programme, and the two elements are then combined in
a six
week course in the third term. Children’s social behaviour is shown to
have improved
as a result and their reading level increased by seven months.
parents’ information meetings at key
transition points in their children’s lives
(such as the move from primary to
secondary school). Led by trained peers
or professionals these would provide
information about child development,
learning and behaviour as well as direct
parents towards specific help
family learning programmes bringing
family members together to work and
learn on a planned activity. These
programmes focus on engaging parents
in their children’s development and offer
opportunities to increase involvement in
learning, to break down barriers between
school and parents, and act as a link to
targeted help and support
support programmes for fathers as
well as mothers so that all children, but
especially those who are living apart from
their fathers, develop positive
relationships with both parents
ensuring better communication
between parents and schools to help
support children to learn. We need to
look at opportunities for families, and
especially fathers, to become more
closely involved in school life through
parents’ associations, as school
governors, and as a result of home-school
childcare, early years education, social
care and schools working more closely
with parents to strengthen their
understanding of how to help their
child’s development
joint training on development and
behaviour issues for children’s
professionals so they can provide initial
support for parents and signpost those
with particular needs to targeted services
Specialist parenting support
3.4 In addition to services open to all
parents, there needs to be a range of tailored
help and support available for specific
groups. The Government would welcome
views on how local authorities working
closely with the voluntary, community and
private sectors can develop a menu of such
services including:
home visiting programmes consisting
of frequent visits to parents in the preand
post-natal period, supporting
breastfeeding and the detection and
management of post-natal depression,
which have shown significant long term
effects on child abuse and neglect, and
on injury prevention
parent education programmes,
targeted particularly at the parents of 5-8
year olds, where existing programmes
have been shown to have the largest
impact on children’s behaviouri. These
can involve at least six weekly sessions,
where parents are trained in behavioural
family group conferencing to
families to get together and develop a
plan with an independent facilitator,
which may be triggered by child
protection or youth offending concerns
Every child matters – Supporting Parents and Carers 41
family mediation services
stress and relationship counselling.
3.5 Home Start currently operates 235
schemes, providing home visiting services
to one in fifty families in each area. The
Government intends to bring forward
proposals to roll out nationally this level of
targeted home visiting support provided
through Home Start. We will work with local
authorities and existing providers to identify
and overcome obstacles to making home
visiting services available more widely. In the
longer term we will consider the balance
between Home Start and the home visiting
support provided through Sure Start local
programmes and by organisations such as
Community Mothers.
3.6 In addition, it is important to provide
support to parents or carers who are facing
particular difficulties because of their, or their
children’s, circumstances and experiences.
Parent and carers of disabled children
3.7 As part of the National Service
Framework for Children (NSF), the
Government is considering how best to
support the particular needs of families with
disabled children, who require flexible
services responsive to their particular
circumstances and needs. Through the
introduction of direct payments, which
enable local authorities to give families
the funds to buy the help they need, the
Government is giving parents more choice
over how they receive services.
3.8 Parents of disabled children have not
made wide use of direct payments up to
now. Some parents have said that they do
not feel confident taking the responsibility of
using direct payments to employ staff. Some
local authorities are still reluctant to offer
direct payments. The Government wants
to see greater use of direct payments and
would welcome views on what further
action could be taken to extend the use
42 Every
child matters – Supporting Parents and
Start is a home visiting programme in which
trained parent volunteers,
supported by paid staff, work with parents who have at least one child
under five.
Volunteers offer friendship, support and practical help to families in
their own
home, with a range of supporting activities including group work,
outings, social
events and toy libraries.
Research into Home Start and other home visiting schemes confirms that
produce benefits for parents and children. Home Start raises
improves social networks, reduces difficult behaviour on the part of the
and improves physical and mental health.
of direct payments by families with
disabled children.
Young carers
3.9 Another group of families who would
benefit from targeted, sensitive help are
those of young carers. There are around
150,000 young carers, a significant number
of whom provide many hours of care every
week. They may be obliged to take on quite
inappropriate levels of responsibility at the
expense of their childhood and their
education. Often the young carers will be
helped most effectively by support to their
parents, to enable them to fulfil their own
parenting role. The NSF will look at the needs
of children in special circumstances,
including young carers. As part of its teenage
pregnancy strategy, the Government is also
particularly keen to support teenage parents
back into full time education, training and
work, through providing free childcare.
Children with parents in prison
3.10 Seven percent of children during their
time at school experience the imprisonment
of a father, while every year, approximately
150,000 children have a parent who enters
custody. Prisoners’ families, including their
children, often experience increased
financial, emotional and health problems
during a sentence. 30 percent of prisoners’
children suffer significant mental health
problems, compared with 10 percent of the
general child population. During their
sentence, 45 percent of offenders lose
contact with their families, and many
separate from their partners. In the longer
term, there is a proven pattern of increased
inter-generational offending associated with
parental convictions.
3.11 There is nobody currently within
prisons or among community services with
responsibility for supporting families in
maintaining links and overcoming their
problems. Research with children has shown
that they usually want to maintain links with
their imprisoned parents, but they lack help
and encounter many obstacles, especially in
visiting prisons. A renewed focus has led to
some improvements in recent years, and a
number of schemes, mainly run by the
voluntary sector, have emerged. However,
support for the children and families of
offenders still depends largely on local will
and initiative. The Government would
welcome views on what more could be
done to improve services for this group.
Compulsory action with parents and
3.12 Some parents will be harder to engage
and their problems may be more entrenched.
When persistent truanting or anti-social
behaviour is condoned by parents,
compulsory action may be needed to ensure
parents meet their responsibilities. Recent
research shows that parenting programmes
can reduce reconviction rates among young
offenders by 50 percent, and that nine out of
ten parents would subsequently recommend
the programme to other parents. The Anti-
Social Behaviour White Paper sets out a series
of measures aimed at supporting parents,
building on the success of Parenting Orders.
Every child matters – Supporting Parents and Carers 43
3.13 The Government recognises that there
are significant constraints to increasing
family support. Over time it will be important
to ensure the increases in mainstream
spending through social services, primary
care, youth justice and education are
harnessed to improve support for parents.
In addition, the Government has introduced
a £25 million Parenting Fund to build better
support for parents and families through
the voluntary and community sector. To
reinforce this, as part of the next Spending
Review, we shall encourage local and
national funding bodies to offer longer term
funding, simplify applications processes and
streamline administrative burdens.
Improving Fostering and Adoption services
3.14 The vast majority of children will
receive safe and effective care from their
parents. Other children are less fortunate
and the state may need to intervene in
family life. The Government’s first objective
for children’s social services is to ensure that
all children are securely attached to carers
capable of providing safe and effective care
for the duration of their childhood.ii
3.15 Every child needs to feel secure within
a loving family. In practice this means strong
attachments to adults who are committed to
them long term, who support their
development and who guide their transition
through childhood to adulthood.
3.16 Most children who are looked after
eventually return home, and almost one in
three return home within eight weeks. For
children who are unable to return home
quickly, timely and purposeful decisions
must be made about where they will live in
the future. We call this planning for
44 Every
child matters – Supporting Parents and
The Webster-Stratton parent training programme
is a 13 to 16 week course
targeted at children with conduct behaviour disorders. The costs per
hour of
contact with family are half those of the costs of standard clinical
The programme has resulted in a large reduction in children’s
anti-social behaviour
including hitting, running away, and fighting with siblings and has
reduced hyperactivity. 51 out of 67 Child and Adolescent Mental Health
now offer parent training programmes.
The Marlborough Family Service Education Unit runs a programme to tackle
barriers to learning by focusing on repeating cycles of disruptive
Each child has measurable behavioural targets on areas such as anger and
management, which are rated every day by parents, class teachers and
pupils themselves.
3.17 We have to get the balance right
between attempts at rehabilitation with the
birth family and finding a permanent new
home for the child in a timescale suited to
them. The planning and review structure
outlined in the box already provides the
framework for securing this.
3.18 Permanence planning is not a matter
of simply identifying the intended
destination for a child. Services may be
provided and placements used as part of an
agreed plan to achieve permanence, without
themselves representing permanence for
the particular child.
3.19 The Government’s goal is to ensure
children benefit from high quality care
planning by:
encouraging early planning for
permanence by local authorities and
ensuring that all relevant placement
options are considered. Concurrent
planning may have a role here (see box
ensuring that the different permanence
options are equally credible, including
long term fostering
examining how access to support
services affects a child’s placement and
permanence options
extending the common assessment
framework to cover the assessment of
carers. Matching children with carers who
can meet their assessed needs is a crucial
part of delivering permanence plans.
Every child matters – Supporting Parents and Carers 45
Care Planning and Reviews
An effective care plan will include a plan for permanence for the child,
while setting
objectives for work with the child, birth family and carers in relation
to the child’s
developmental needs. Care planning and reviewing is not static but
rather a
process of continuous monitoring and reassessment. Review meetings
provide a
forum in which to review Care Plans and to agree and record decisions in
consultation with all those who have a key interest in the child’s life,
in particular
the child.
Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs) have been introduced to quality
assure this
process. They will chair all review meetings of looked after children,
ensure the
child is involved in the review and will challenge poor practice, and
any drift in
implementing the Care Plan. As a last resort the IRO will have power to
refer a case
to the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)
will be able to take the case to court if a child’s human rights appear
to be in
Supporting foster carers
3.20 Nearly 40,000 children are in foster care
– that is almost two thirds of the total
number of children in careiv. Foster carers
play a unique and critical role in our
communities, providing homes and care for
particularly vulnerable children. This can
range from providing a short break to a
placement for a child with particular needs,
to a family home for a child for many years.
For children with more complex needs,
therapeutic or intensive fostering may be
an appropriate option.
3.21 Larger numbers of children, with
increasingly complex needs, are coming into
care and society is demanding more than
ever before from foster carers. It is in this
context that the Government needs to
recruit and retain more foster carers.
3.22 To do this, we are seeking to provide
foster carers with the training and support
which they require to meet the needs of the
children in their care. The National Minimum
Standards for Fostering Services state clearly
that fostering services must have a clear
strategy for supporting carers, train foster
carers so that they are able to provide high
quality care, and provide foster carers with
an allowance and agreed expenses which
cover the full cost of caring for each child
placed with them. Services are being
inspected against these standards for the
first time this year, and it is already clear that
many services do not currently meet these
3.23 The best agencies take a proactive
approach to recruitment based on a clear
strategy, earmarked resources and a targeted
campaign, backed up through the provision
46 Every
child matters – Supporting Parents and
Concurrent Planning
In concurrent planning the child is placed with approved foster carers who, as well
as providing temporary care for the child, act as support to the birth
parents in
helping them meet the objectives of any rehabilitation plan. The carers
are also
approved as adopters so that if the rehabilitation plan is not
successful the child
does not need to move and can remain in the same placement while the
plan is developed and implemented.
Three projects in England that are currently using the concurrent
planning model –
the Goodman Project in Manchester, the Coram Family in London and
Brighton &
Hove – were the subject of an independent evaluation which found that
children involved had fewer moves and moved faster to a permanence
Nearly all the placements were of single children aged under 12 months
old. The
authors of the evaluation concluded that “it is possible to say with
confidence that
concurrent planning worked well for the children in the study” iii.
of a large range of support services for foster
carers. They will usually provide structured
training linked to skills and a framework for
continuing development. In some cases
improved skills will be linked to higher fee
payments. We want to see all fostering
services achieve the results of the best and
over time consider how payments for skills
can contribute to retention and to the
development of quality foster care
3.24 In 2003-04 a £19.75 million Choice
Protects grant has been allocated to local
authorities to expand and strengthen their
fostering services. Work is underway to
establish a team of Choice Protects change
agents to help local authorities improve the
way they commission and provide services
for looked after children. Additionally Choice
Protects has commissioned a programme of
work to help local authorities support foster
carers and develop fostering services. These
include good practice guidelines, research,
and piloting innovative services such as
treatment foster care for the most difficult to
place children.
3.25 Through the Choice Protects
programme the Government aims to
improve the recruitment and retention of
foster carers. The Government wants to build
on this work programme further and is
seeking views on radical and imaginative
ways of encouraging people to become
foster carers and ensuring that they are
valued and recognised. This might involve:
a national recruitment campaign
encouraging more people to consider
fostering, including groups such as single
people, older people, unmarried couples
and lone parents who may not realise
they are eligible. Local partners, for
example Jobcentre Plus, could play a part
in making available information about
paid leave for foster carers and raising the
statutory adoption pay to 90 percent of
pay for the first six weeks of leave in line
with statutory maternity pay, to help
foster carers and adopters, where
appropriate, to balance caring with their
work. The Government is committed to
commencing a review of the duty to
consider requests for flexible working in
2006, and could consider these options at
the same time:
a national award scheme to
acknowledge the work of outstanding
foster carers
a national helpline for foster carers,
available 24 hours a day
support for foster carers subject to
allegations similar to that currently
provided for teachers
enhanced training opportunities and
rewards for developing skills to care
for children with particular difficulties
recognition and rewards for foster
carers who support and mentor new
foster carers
improved short break provision giving
foster carers a break.
Every child matters – Supporting Parents and Carers 47
Residential Care
3.26 Currently approximately 7,750 children
are placed in children homes, residential
schools or other types of setting away from
their families. Many of these children have
challenging and complex needs. Young
people placed in residential care are likely to
be vulnerable teenagers.
3.27 A residential care placement by itself
is unlikely to give a young person a secure
sense of attachment but it may help secure
a permanent placement. It can also be
suitable for young people who are unable
to live with their families but reject being
fostered. All homes must meet National
Minimum Standards and are inspected
3.28 Through the Choice Protects
programme, guidance is being developed
for publication in 2004. It will help local
authorities to assess the needs of their
population, improve commissioning and
ensure better placements for children and
young people who cannot live at home.
3.29 The Government is currently
implementing an extensive programme
designed to modernise the adoption system.
The aim of the programme is to increase
the number of vulnerable children who
benefit from a permanent family through
adoption by:
ensuring the child’s needs are the
paramount consideration in adoption
recruiting more adopters and supporting
them better
improving local authorities’ performance
on adoption
improving the efficiency and clarity of
court processes.
3.30 Already this work has contributed to a
significant increase in the number of looked
after children who are adopted. In the year
ending 31 March 2002, 3,400 looked after
children were adopted, up 25 percent in just
two years. To complete this important work,
the Government will be:
implementing the new approach to
adoption set out in the Adoption and
Children Act 2002
monitoring and evaluating the
implementation of the Adoption and
Children Act 2002 and its wider
adoption project.
48 Every
child matters – Supporting Parents and
Every child matters – Supporting Parents and Carers 49
Consultation Questions
Views are invited on the proposals set out in this Chapter. In
How can good quality decision-making by social
services in relation to achieving
permanence for the children for whom they are responsible best be
Building on Choice Protects, what more can we do to
recruit and retain more
foster carers who are able to meet the needs of looked after children?
How can local authorities, working with the voluntary,
community and private
sectors, develop a range of specialist parenting support services?
Working with local authorities and other existing
providers, what steps should
the Government take to make home visiting services more widely
What further action could be taken to extend the use
of direct payments by
families with disabled children?
What more could be done to improve services for children
and families of
i DesForges C
(2003) The impact of parental involvement, parental support and family
education on pupil achievement
and adjustment. (In draft for DfES.)
ii This is the
first of the Government’s Objectives for Children’s Social Services
(Modernising Social Services, Department
of Health, 1998)
iii The Role of
Concurrent Planning: Making permanent placements for young children, Monck et
al, BAAF, 2003
iv At 3 March
2002, 59,700 children were looked after, of whom 39,200 (66 percent) were in
foster care.
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 51
Victoria Climbié came into contact with
several agencies, none of which acted on
the warning signs. No one built up the
full picture of her interactions with
different services. Children with problems
such as special educational needs, or
behavioural disorders, or suffering from
neglect, can also find that services often
come too late. This Green Paper sets out
the long term vision for how we intend
to intervene earlier. It focuses on:
improving information sharing
between agencies, ensuring all local
authorities have a list of children in
their area, a list of the services they
have had contact with, and the
contact details of relevant
establishing a common assessment
framework. The Government will
move towards a common assessment
framework across services for all
children. The aim is for core
information to follow the child
between services to reduce
identifying lead professionals to
take the lead on each case where
children are known to more than
one specialist agency
integrating professionals through
multi-disciplinary teams responsible
for identifying children at risk, and
working with the child and family to
ensure services are tailored to their
co-locating services in
and around
schools, Sure Start Children’s Centres,
and primary care settings
ensuring effective child protection
procedures are in place across all
Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
Improving information collection and
4.1 The Victoria Climbié inquiry highlighted
the failure to collect basic information and
share it between agencies or across local
authority boundaries. For instance, nobody
checked whether Victoria was in school.
Despite her case coming to the attention
of various agencies on twelve occasions,
professionals made decisions based on little
information about Victoria’s previous contact
with a series of services. Judgements were
made based on separate snapshots rather
than a picture built up over time.
4.2 In many parts of the country, local
authorities are developing innovative
solutions to information sharing. In some
areas, these are based on the use of
technology to enable professionals to
register early concerns about a child’s needs,
as in Telford and Wrekin’s AWARE project,
and through the Connexions Customer
Information System.
4.3 The long term aim is to build on these
developments to integrate information
across services and ensure professionals
share concerns at an early stage. To achieve
this, we want to see a local information hub
52 Every
child matters – Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
and Wrekin’s AWARE system brings together data
from existing databases
from schools, other education services, the youth offending service,
social care,
primary care trust and family protection unit and extracts and improves
the quality
of non-sensitive data. Information on the child’s name, address, gender,
date of
birth, and siblings and which agencies and practitioners the child is
involved with
is readily and securely available to practitioners. But to protect
unnecessary case details are not given out. The NHS number is used as a
personal identifier.
Using the latest technologies AWARE provides practitioners from all
agencies with
a number of facilities to assist them in preventative work, and more
provision of services:
level of concerns can be placed by practitioners
against a child, which generate
‘traffic light’ markers allowing the level of concern to be shared
across agencies,
patterns to be identified , and so on
practitioners are provided with a secure messaging facility
between agencies
a ‘who’s who’ of all practitioners makes contacting
them easier
a document library enables all practitioners to access
common documents and
developed in every authority consisting of a
list of all the children living in their area and
basic details including:
name, address and date of birth
school attended or if excluded or refused
a flag stating whether the child is known
to agencies such as education welfare,
social services, police and Youth
Offending Teams (YOTs), and if so, the
contact details of the professional dealing
with the case
where a child is known to more than one
specialist agency, the lead professional
who takes overall responsibility for
the case.
The information hub
4.4 An agency coming into contact with
a child would be able to check this list of
information before deciding how best
to proceed. The long term vision is that
information is stored and accessed
electronically by a range of agencies.
Such information systems will be based
on national data standards to enable the
exchange of information between local
authorities and partner agencies, and
capable of interaction with other data sets.
4.5 In order to capture fully the concerns of
a range of professionals over time, there is a
strong case for giving practitioners the ability
to flag on the system early warnings when
they have a concern about a child which in
itself may not be a trigger or meet the usual
thresholds for intervention. The decision to
place such a flag of concern on a child’s
record, which could be picked up by another
agency making a similar judgement, lies with
the practitioners.
4.6 It would be a matter of professional
judgement whether the combination of two
or more flags of minor concern warranted
some form of action. A framework for
exercising this judgement should be
developed and agreed by local agencies.
There is a balance to strike between sharing
enough information to help safeguard
children effectively and preserving
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 53
Children missing education in Blackpool
In Blackpool, the local education authority (LEA) has developed a system
electronic data transfer between the LEA and all of its schools, which
enables it to
locate, identify and track pupils. It operates two registers managed by
a named
officer, which enable the LEA to locate children missing education: an
‘Out of
School’ register, which holds details of all pupils resident in
Blackpool and known to
the LEA, but not on an education register; and a ‘Missing Children’
register, which
holds details of children who may have arrived in Blackpool from another
authority area or left Blackpool without a named destination.
individuals’ privacy. The Government wants
to prevent situations where a child does not
receive the help they need because of too
rigid an interpretation of the privacy of the
child and their family. In order to get the
balance right, we are consulting on the
circumstances (in addition to child
protection and youth offending) under
which information about a child could or
must be shared, for preventative purposes,
without the consent of the child or their
carers. We would also welcome views on
whether warning signs should reflect factors
within the family such as imprisonment,
domestic violence, mental health or
substance misuse problems amongst
parents and carers.
4.7 Systems would hold records for every
child or young person resident in a local
authority area. This would be important in
enabling practitioners to ensure that no
54 Every
child matters – Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
Sure Start
YOT Police
Figure 1
children or young people are overlooked.
Information would be updated by
practitioners in response to changes in the
child’s life. Local protocols would be in place,
reflecting national standards to ensure this
happened. Some of the changes would be
made directly to the system. Other updates
would be generated by standard alerts and
events originating from local case
management systems, but in strict
accordance with the national framework to
ensure reliable data transfer. For example, a
child without a current educational record in
the system should generate an alert. National
standards would be in place to ensure
reliable and secure exchange of data
between local authorities, including upper
and lower tier authorities.
Getting there
4.8 To take forward such information
sharing systems, the Government is:
providing up to £1 million to 10
‘Identification, Referral and Tracking’ (IRT)
trailblazers involving 15 local authorities
to test out approaches. We are putting in
place a central team to learn lessons and
develop a national framework for local
information sharing systems. We will have
early lessons from the trailblazers by
December 2003, and more detailed
information by late summer 2004. By the
end of 2004, we aim to set out how the
lessons from the trailblazers can be
reflected across the country. As part of
this, the Government will examine the
potential benefits and risks of introducing
ICT-based information sharing systems
and whether it is feasible to overcome
the considerable technical challenges
in this area
removing the legal barriers. The
Government intends to legislate at the
first opportunity to enable information
sharing to happen at an earlier stage to
prevent problems escalating. In
anticipation of legislative change, in
August 2003 we issued guidancei on
how to apply current legislation. The law
provides safeguards for individuals but
it does not prevent joint working.
Information can be shared quickly and
efficiently whenever it is necessary and
appropriate to do so. We expect local
authorities and their partners to take the
lead in establishing local information
sharing arrangements. The guidance
seeks to enable all professionals working
with children to develop a common
understanding of the legal framework to
ensure that information is properly
shared so that children can be protected.
It also provides best practice examples
of protocols and agreements that are
already in place in authorities across
the country
removing the technical barriers. To
ensure that different electronic systems
are able to exchange information about a
particular child securely and accurately
across local authority boundaries, the
Government plans to announce, by the
end of 2003, how it will define a single
identifying number to support electronic
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 55
information transfer. This could build on
the use of existing identifiers such as the
NHS number or the National Insurance
number. In addition, as part of the
national framework, the Government will
set out common data standards on the
recording of information so that data can
be transferred easily between agencies
removing the organisational boundaries.
The proposals set out in Chapter Five are
aimed at improving integration across
services, which should make information
sharing easier. The Government expects
local authorities and their partners to
develop and agree clear information
sharing protocols, which are
communicated actively to frontline
workers in all agencies
removing professional and cultural
barriers. Technical solutions alone will not
secure the changes that the Government
is seeking to achieve. Reforming
professional cultures is as important
as the development of any technical
systems. For local authorities, the
immediate aim is to facilitate an effective
dialogue between professionals from the
various services and organisations
working with children. Information
sharing should be an important element
in the common training for professionals
who come into contact with children.
As part of the move towards integrated
structures, set out in Chapter Five, it will
be important for local authorities to lead
a process of cultural change which
includes information sharing and
developing a common understanding
of terms across services. Recent guidance,
What To Do If You’re Worried A Child Is
Being Abused, made it clear that
professionals must consider the risk of
not sharing information about children
with other professionals, alongside
concerns about respecting a child or
family’s right to privacy.
Immediate action
4.9 The Government is providing £100,000
to each unitary and county council in the
current year to help them develop better
information sharing between professionals.
Authorities will be expected to have
appointed a project manager or other
named individual with specific responsibility
for IRT project development and
4.10 By the autumn, authorities are expected
to have carried out an audit of existing local
service provision and practice. This audit
should identify platforms for the further
development of information sharing
arrangements and also highlight gaps and
duplication. Local authorities and their
partners should build on the work already
being undertaken by different agencies, in
particular, the Connexions Customer
Information System being rolled out in March
2004, and the Integrated Children’s System,
due to be implemented by the end of 2005.
4.11 The recent guidance sets out a detailed
timetable for action by local authorities on
information sharing. Further details are set
out in an Appendix to this document. The
56 Every
child matters – Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
project manager will take responsibility for
developing the minimum requirements and,
in the longer term, they could be in charge
of developing a list of children in the area,
ensuring that paper or electronic filing
systems enable practitioners to know which
children are known to multiple services, or
pursuing cases where children enter or leave
their area.
4.12 Technical developments are only part
of the picture. The Government is keen to
ensure information can be shared more
effectively in advance of technical
developments. As part of this, we would
be interested in views on how to ensure
effective transfer of information across
boundaries. For instance, it will be important
to ensure effective procedures so that
housing departments, which may be the first
service to identify a family moving between
or within local authority areas, work
effectively with education, social services
and other agencies to ensure service delivery
is seamless.
Common assessment framework
4.13 Children may receive many
assessments during their childhood. Health
visiting teams make assessments of health
and development in early childhood. All
children receive a baseline assessment in the
first year of primary school and secondary
schools are increasingly introducing
individual learning plans. Children who are
referred to other services also receive
assessments from social services,
Connexions, Youth Offending Teams,
education psychologists and others.
4.14 Reform is needed to tackle two
children with multiple needs may be
subject to multiple assessments by
different people, each collecting similar
information but using different
professional terms and categories. The
core information does not follow the
child. This is not only an inefficient use of
resources, but also alienating for the child
and family who have to tell the same
story to several professionals but may
receive little practical help as a result
some frontline services, such as the
police, schools and health, may refer
children to social services without a
preliminary assessment of the child’s
needs. As a result, social services may be
overwhelmed with inappropriate cases,
and children and families may undergo
initial assessments unnecessarily.
Frontline professionals such as pastoral
staff in schools, who may already have
trusting relationships with the child or
parent, may be in a better position to
discuss initial concerns with a child or
parent, and work with them over time,
than a social worker with whom the
family has had no previous contact.
4.15 In several areas, services have
developed effective ways of combatting
these challenges through a common
assessment framework, as in North
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 57
4.16 To develop this approach further, the
Government will lead work to develop a
common assessment framework. This will
draw on the current framework for the
assessment of children in need and their
families, which is used by social services;
the Connexions Assessment, Planning,
Implementation and Review System; the
58 Every
child matters – Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
The North Lincolnshire Common Assessment is used by any professional coming
into contact with a child. The aim is for all services to take
responsibility for
identifying children’s needs before referring vague concerns or value
judgements to other services.
The simple assessment has been designed to be completed in around one
Many teachers and other school staff find the assessment a useful tool
to identify
the real needs of a child about whom they are concerned. Rather than
arranging specialist educational support for a child who is struggling
at school, the
assessment identifies all the child’s needs, not just the educational
ones, which may
require intervention. The views of the parent/carer and the child are
sought where
The advantages of using a common assessment framework across agencies
referrals are appropriate. During the pilot phase,
child concern referrals to social
services dropped by 64 percent – in many cases this was due to other
taking responsibility for addressing the child’s needs themselves.
Previously, the
police made 50-60 referrals to social services per month. Now the figure
is 8-9.
This means social services provide more services rather than simply
dealing with
unnecessary referrals
children and families do not have to repeat their
information to different
professionals as the assessment process is the same, irrespective of
agency the child and family go to for help
services are provided more promptly and coherently as
professionals trust one
another’s assessment of need as it has been made using agreed ‘common’
indicators of need about what is required by a child and their family
assessments are triggered when a concern about a child
is raised, rather than
when the child reaches a crisis point
if any further assessments are required, these then
build upon the Common
Assessment, rather than duplicate it.
Youth Justice Board’s Asset tool; the SEN
code of practice; and assessments
conducted by health visitors. It will look at
the extent to which the North Lincolnshire
model of assessments can be rolled out, with
responsibility being more firmly embedded
in universal services. It will also look at how
children can be an active part of the
assessment process, and how assessment
can identify strengths and opportunities as
well as needs and risks. In the light of views
expressed during the consultation period,
the Government will set up a team to draw
up and develop a common assessment
framework by March 2004 with a view to
introduction by September 2004.
4.17 As well as reducing unnecessary
assessment, the process of developing and
using a common assessment framework will
have a critical role to play in the drive to
improve inter-professional relationships.
It will underpin and be reinforced by the
structural and workforce reforms set out
in Chapters Five and Six.
Lead professional
4.18 Children may be in contact with more
than one specialist service at a time. For
instance, a child may be truanting, offending,
and suffering from abuse at home, and may
have special educational needs. As a result,
children can receive services that risk
duplicating or cutting across each other.
4.19 The creation of Connexions was
designed to ensure that, for those aged
13-19, there is a single professional
co-ordinating services for the individual,
providing some continuity over time to
develop trust. Behaviour and Education
Support Teams, learning mentors, and
activities funded by the Children’s Fund also
involve developing a ‘key worker’ to coordinate
support. In social services, a key
worker is allocated to children on the child
protection register and looked after children.
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 59
By pooling resources with Connexions, Liverpool leaving care service has
doubled the number of its young people entering employment, training or
education. In 1999 30% of 18 year old care
leavers were either in jobs, studying
or training for qualifications. By September 2002 this had risen to nearly
The CLICS project is a partnership between Liverpool leaving care
service and
Connexions with three Connexions Personal Advisers working as part of
Leaving care team. Working together, the project ensures contact is
with young people and helps to put in place tailored training and
4.20 The Government would welcome
views on how to improve case management
more widely than through these sorts of
targeted programmes. As a basic minimum,
we would like to ensure that where a child is
known to more than one specialist service,
there is a designated ‘lead professional’ who
would co-ordinate service provision. The lead
professional would provide the basis for the
development of much more effective
information sharing to support service
4.21 For most children, the lead professional
role may be best fulfilled by someone from
the service that has the most contact with
the child day to day (school based staff from
school age, Connexions personal advisers
from age 13-19, and social workers for looked
after children). For a child with complex
needs, a more specialist service might
host the lead professional role. Family
circumstances would dictate whether it is
more appropriate for siblings to have the
same or a different key worker.
4.22 The lead professional could also act
as the ‘gatekeeper’ for information
sharing systems highlighted above. Other
professionals could have partial access but
only the lead professional would be aware
of the detail. It could be the lead professional
who would make a judgement about
whether, taken together, the early warnings
logged by different practitioners merited
Multi-disciplinary teams
4.23 Common assessments and information
sharing will be a major step forward but
further integration is also needed. Children
could still be faced with a series of different
professionals who work in different offices to
different managers, rather than one trusted
adult providing continuity of support.
Referrals between agencies could still lead
to misunderstandings and delays.
4.24 These more fundamental challenges
need to be addressed through different ways
of working, which integrate education, social
care and health services around the needs
of children rather than providers. Based on
current best practice such as that developed
in Youth Offending Teams, the goal is to
move towards multi-disciplinary teams that
bring together the relevant professionals
who can work together in places easily
accessible to children and families.
4.25 Professionals and para-professionals
will increasingly work alongside each other
in the same teams. Teams must have a
structure which enables professionals within
them to have both continuous professional
development and the appropriate clinical
and professional governance, with clear lines
of professional accountability. This should
ensure that multi-disciplinary teams are able
to benefit from a wide range of professionals
working together, without losing the
advantages of those professionals’ individual
60 Every
child matters – Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 61
Multi Agency Preventative (MAP) Project, Tower Hamlets addresses
emotional and behavioural problems amongst Bangladeshi pupils in
schools, targeting particularly those at risk of becoming aggressive,
isolated or depressed, and girls at risk of self-harming. The project is
a joint
intervention between health, social services, education and the
voluntary sector,
and employs a range of staff including clinical psychologists, youth
community resource officers and social workers. The project offers
counselling, school based therapeutic support groups, and optional
activities including residential programmes during school holidays,
aimed at raising
the young person’s self-esteem. Various awareness raising initiatives
are taken to
involve, educate and inform parents and carers and members of the
community about meeting the needs of children at risk of emotional and
behavioural problems.
BEST. Manchester LEA has used funding from the
Improvement Programme (BIP) to establish four multi-agency Behaviour and
Education Support Teams (BESTs) to work across clusters of schools
of a target secondary school and its main associated primaries where
there are
high numbers of children with emotional and behavioural needs.
One such cluster includes Ducie
High School, where the team is located in the
school, providing easy access to a range of specialist services. The
team at Ducie
encompasses an education welfare officer, a family intervention worker
from social
services, an educational psychologist, a play worker (brought in
specifically to
address a problem with behaviour during playtimes), and two behaviour
workers. Through the BIP in Manchester, CAMHS offers support (and
training) to
schools. Protocols are in place so that BIP pupils can access specialist
mental health
services when needed. The team operates on a number of levels,
supporting not
only the needs of individual pupils and their families, but also the
wider school
community through group intervention work, staff training and surgeries,
emotional literacy programmes. Family work is a strong feature of
BESTs. Early indications show that the team has already had an impact in
terms of
faster successful case closures. There have also been improvements in
attendance and crime figures.
4.26 Over time, professionals and
might increasingly work
together in different types of teams,
involving some or all of:
health visitors
social workers
education welfare officers
youth and community workers
Connexions personal advisers
education psychologists
children’s mental health professionals
speech and language therapists and
other allied health professionals
young people’s substance misuse
learning mentors and school
support staff
school nurses
home visitors, volunteers and mentors
statutory and voluntary homelessness
4.27 The multi-disciplinary teams would use
the common assessment framework
described earlier. They would be responsible
for ensuring children’s needs are met
effectively. This would involve:
identifying children at risk, or receiving
referrals and self-referrals
contacting and engaging children and
their families and gaining their trust
working with the child and family to
develop an individual action plan setting
out the key goals agreed with the child and
the parents, and the resources that would
be harnessed to support these goals
either providing services from within
the team or brokering support from
mainstream and specialist services
Co-location around schools, Sure Start
Children’s Centres, and primary care
4.28 There is a strong case for basing
teams in and around the places
where many children spend much of their
time, such as schools and Sure Start
Children’s Centres, and also primary care
centres. This would promote self-referral
into services and enable children’s social
workers and other professionals to engage in
dialogue with teaching and school support
62 Every
child matters – Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
benefits of co-location. Mayday University
Hospital, Croydon, has two
children’s social services teams on site, providing a comprehensive
social work function for children and their families who are resident in
and are receiving as inpatients or outpatients services from the
hospital, and a
proactive liaison/assessment role with other authorities for children
who are
inpatients at the hospital.
staff. Embedding targeted services within
universal settings can ensure more rapid
support without the delay of formal referral,
and enable frontline professionals to seek
help and advice. Developing networks across
universal and specialist professionals can
strengthen inter-professional relationships
and trust.
4.29 Co-location requires considerable local
flexibility as the opportunities and barriers
differ depending on local geography. While
a shift towards more school based services
is sensible, other settings, such as
neighbourhood based services, will still be
important, particularly in re-engaging young
people who have left school at 16 and are
not in education or training.
4.30 The previous Chapter noted how
clusters of schools can work together to:
deploy multi-disciplinary teams
collectively, to assess and address needs,
for example providing advice and
support on special educational needs,
and being able to refer on to more
specialist services where necessary
help retain within the school system
children who might otherwise be
excluded, or help reintegrate children
and young people who have been
outside the school system
provide pastoral support to all children,
with key worker support to those
needing a range of services such as
disabled children
provide access to personal development
opportunities, including through
partnership with statutory and voluntary
youth services and Connexions.
4.31 It would be possible to develop from
the current model in which multi-agency
teams support a cluster of schools, as in the
Behaviour Improvement Programme, to one
in which a cluster of schools and education
institutions including pupil referral units,
early years’ settings, Sure Start, further
education colleges and Connexions, might
choose to take responsibility for offering
multi-disciplinary services to all children in
their area. With appropriate administrative
and management support, such
arrangements might better meet the full
range of children’s needs. Focusing on a
particular area or cluster of settings can
ensure services are more rooted in a
community, particularly if, as in Sure Start
local programmes, the governance
arrangements encourage community
4.32 The Government would also be
interested in how such multi-disciplinary
teams can make better use of information
to prioritise particular groups of children.
For instance, they could ensure that children
who are truanting or are living in temporary
accommodation and known to social
services have an effective package of
support, or potentially focus on the children
not achieving expected results at key stages.
Effective targeting can be supported not
only by formal data but also informal
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 63
relationships with professionals and the local
Effective protection
4.33 The Victoria Climbié Inquiry and the
Joint Chief Inspectors’ reports on
safeguarding children identified a number
of problems with the current system for
safeguarding children. They also showed
how to move towards a better children’s
safeguards system, where child protection
services are not separate from support for
families, but are part of the spectrum of
services provided to help and support
children and families.
4.34 The Government has already begun
to take action. In May 2003, we issued a
booklet called What To Do If You’re Worried A
Child Is Being Abused. This booklet is designed
to help people to protect children more
4.35 The Government is publishing
alongside this Green Paper its detailed
response to the Victoria Climbié Inquiry
Report and the Joint Chief Inspectors’ report
on safeguarding services. The Victoria
Climbié Inquiry Report made clear that the
statutory framework covering child
protection is sound but work was needed to
ensure this was effectively delivered. The
next Chapters set out how the barriers to
implementing effective child protection
procedures will be addressed through:
clear practice standards across services,
setting out what should be done in
relation to child protection
shared responsibility across all agencies
for protecting children through new
statutory duties
someone in charge locally with statutory
responsibilities for child protection and
co-ordinating the work of social services,
police, housing, education, and other key
an inspection system that assesses how
well agencies work together to create an
effective system of protection
workforce reform to ensure all people
working with children are trained in
child protection.
4.36 These changes will tackle the long
term weaknesses in the system. However,
the response document sets out the
immediate steps the Government is taking in:
revising and shortening the existing
range of Children Act 1989 Regulations
and Guidance
auditing safeguarding children activity
of local authorities with social services
responsibilities, NHS bodies and
police forces
raising the priority of safeguarding
children amongst all relevant
64 Every
child matters – Early Intervention and
Effective Protection
Every child matters – Early Intervention and Effective Protection 65
Consultation Questions
Views are invited on the information sharing proposals set out in this
In particular:
What currently gets in the way of effective
information sharing, and how can we
remove the barriers?
What should be the thresholds and triggers for sharing
information about
a child?
What are the circumstances (in addition to child
protection and youth offending)
under which information about a child could or must be shared without
consent of the child or their carers?
Should information on parents and carers, such as
domestic violence,
imprisonment, mental health or drug problems, be shared?
How can we ensure that no children slip through the
What issues might stand in the way of effective
information transfer across
local authority boundaries?
Should a unique identifying number be used?
Views are also invited on the proposals relating to
multi-disciplinary teams:
What are the barriers to developing them further in a
range of settings?
How can we ensure multi-disciplinary teams have
greater leverage over
mainstream and specialist services?
i IRT: Guidance on Information Sharing can be found
online at http://www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/keys.html.
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 67
The Government’s aim is that there
should be one person in charge locally
and nationally with the responsibility for
improving children’s lives. Key services
for children should be integrated within a
single organisational focus at both levels.
To achieve this the Government will:
legislate to create the post of Director
of Children’s Services, accountable
for local authority education and
children’s social services
legislate to create a lead
member for children
in the long term, integrate key
services for children and young
people under the Director of
Children’s Services as part of
Children’s Trusts. These bring
together local authority education
and children’s social services, some
children’s health services, Connexions,
and can include other services such as
Youth Offending Teams. Children’s
Trusts will normally be part of the
local authority and will report to local
elected members
require local authorities to work
closely with public, private and
voluntary organisations to improve
outcomes for children. Local
authorities will be given flexibility
over how this partnership working is
in relation to child protection, require
the creation of Local Safeguarding
Children Boards as the statutory
successors to Area Child Protection
To support local integration, the
Government has created a new Minister
for Children, Young People and Families
in the Department for Education and
Accountability and
Integration – Locally,
Regionally and Nationally
Skills to co-ordinate policies across
The Government will encourage joining
up locally by:
ensuring children are a priority across
services. Local bodies such as the
police and health organisations will,
subject to consultation, have a new
duty to safeguard children, promote
their well-being and work together
through these partnership
arrangements. We also intend to give
local authorities a duty to promote the
educational achievement of children
in care
setting out clear practice standards
expected of each agency in relation
to children
rationalising performance targets,
plans, funding streams, financial
accountability and indicators
creating an integrated inspection
framework for children’s services.
Ofsted will take the lead in bringing
together joint inspection teams. This
will ensure services are judged on how
well they work together
creating an improvement
intervention function to drive up
performance by sharing effective
practice, and intervening where
services are failing.
Real service improvement is only
attainable through involving children and
young people and listening to their
views. This Chapter sets out proposals for
a new Children’s Commissioner to act as
an independent champion.
The case for change
Local fragmentation
5.1 Children’s needs are complex and rarely
fit neatly within one set of organisational
boundaries. For instance, a child with
behavioural problems due to parental
neglect may be considered a child with
special educational needs by the LEA, a ‘child
in need’ by social services, or having a
‘conduct disorder’ by a child and adolescent
mental health team. If the child truants, they
may come into contact with the education
welfare service, and if they offend they will
come into contact with the police and the
Youth Offending Team. The categories
around which services are organised are
overlapping, fluid and, in some cases,
5.2 The fragmentation of responsibilities for
children leads to problems such as:
information not being shared between
agencies and concerns not being passed
on. As a result children may slip through
the net or receive services only when
problems become severe
a child may receive assessments from
different agencies which duplicate
rather than complement each other
several professionals may be in contact
with a child over time but no single
person provides continuity or
co-ordinates services
68 Every
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Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally
several agencies spend some money
on the child rather than one agency
spending an appropriate amount on
a co-ordinated package of support
services may disagree about whether the
child falls into their categories and may
try to pass on difficult cases to other
professionals and services may be based
in different locations rather than
co-located. Co-location can make services
more accessible to users, improve
inter-professional relationships and
ways of working
services are planned and commissioned
to focus on one particular objective –
such as childcare, truancy, or family
abuse. Planning services in the round can
enable a better response to support the
child and better value for money. Joint
commissioning can enable the creation
of services that deliver multiple dividends
such as Children’s Centres and extended
5.3 In this country, and internationally, new
institutional arrangements are emerging that
break down existing organisational
boundaries. For instance, some local
authorities, such as Hertfordshire, Wiltshire,
and Brighton & Hove have merged children’s
social services and education to form
children, schools and families departments.
In other countries, institutions that integrate
services around the child are also emerging,
such as Children and Families Services
Authorities in Canada, and the Family and
Community Trust in Missouri.
National fragmentation
5.4 An underlying cause of local
fragmentation is conflicting messages and
incentives at national level. Organisations are
exhorted to work together but the targets,
plans and inspection regimes focus on how
institutions work in isolation.
5.5 This analysis is not new. It accords with
the messages set out in Serving Children Well,
which was published jointly by the Local
Government Association (LGA), Association
of Directors of Social Services (ADSS),
Association of Chief Education Officers
(ACEO), Confed and the NHS Confederation.
It also fits with the analysis in the Victoria
Climbié Inquiry Report. However, while the
problem has long been recognised, the scale
of the problem has historically not been
matched by proportionate solutions.
5.6 We want to move to a system locally
and nationally where there is:
clear overall accountability for services
for children, young people and families
integration of key services around the
needs of children, in particular, education,
social care, health, youth justice, and
5.7 To achieve better outcomes for children
and young people, the Government wants to
move to a system where the key services and
budgets for children and young people are
placed within a single organisational focus
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 69
locally. As a first step, the Government is
committed to tackling the critical boundary
between children’s social services and
education. The majority of spending on
children’s services by local authorities is
within these two departments. Improving
key outcomes such as the education of
children in care, or life chances for disabled
children, is particularly dependent on
integration across education and social
5.8 The Government intends to legislate at
the next available opportunity to require all
local authorities to appoint a Director
Children’s Services. The Director would be
accountable for education and social services
and for overseeing services for children
delegated to the local authority by other
services. The current legislation requiring the
appointment of a Chief Education Officer
and a Director of Social Services will be
amended to reflect this. We expect that in
time this will lead to a single Children’s
Department in most authorities, although
we will not require it. Councils will still
be required to ensure accountability
arrangements are in place for social services
functions for adults.
5.9 In legislating to require the appointment
of a Director of Children’s Services, the
Government will ensure that there is
sufficient flexibility for all local authorities to
make this change in a way which fits their
local circumstances, minimises disruption
and maintains service standards.
5.10 Legislation will enable authorities to
make such appointments straight away, and
will require that they all do so in due course.
Authorities will be expected to set up clear
transitional arrangements which secure as
soon as possible an appropriate single point
of accountability for children’s services. This
may involve those who currently have the
role of, for example, Chief Executive or
current Chief Education Officers or Directors
of Social Services. The responsibilities of the
Director of Children’s Services must include
children’s social services and education but
need not be limited to these services: the
Director may also be responsible, for
example, for housing or leisure services.
The key is that there should be one person
in charge of children’s services and clarity
at all times as to who that person is.
We also intend to legislate to introduce a
duty on local authorities to promote the
educational achievement of children in care.
This duty could be exercised through the
Director of Children’s Services.
5.11 In addition to clearer accountability
at official level, the Government will also
legislate to create a lead council member
for children.
5.12 The Government’s long term vision
is to integrate key services within a single
organisational focus. The preferred model for
achieving this integration is Children’s
Trusts. Most areas should have Trusts by 2006.
5.13 Children’s Trusts go beyond children,
families and schools departments by
including children’s health services (through
70 Every
child matters – Accountability and
Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally
Section 31 of the Health Act 1999). Trusts
may also include other services such as
Connexions and Youth Offending Teams.
Children’s Trusts will normally sit within the
local authority and report to the Director of
Children’s Services who will report through
the Chief Executive to elected members.
5.14 The key services that should be within
the Trust are:
local education authority – potentially
all education functions, including the
education welfare service, youth service,
special educational needs and
educational psychology, childcare and
early years education, and school
children’s social services – including
assessment and services for children in
need such as family support, foster and
residential care, adoption services,
childcare, advocacy services and child
protection, and services for care leavers
Community and acute health services –
such as community paediatrics, services
commissioned by Drug Action Teams,
teenage pregnancy co-ordinators, and
locally commissioned and provided Child
and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
They could also include speech and
language therapy, health visiting and
occupational therapy services concerned
with children and families. Primary Care
Trusts will be able to delegate functions
into the Children’s Trust, and will be able
to pool funds with the local authority.
Other services which may be part of the
Trust include:
Youth Offending Teams –
teams working with young
people and their families to prevent
Connexions Service –
information, advice and guidance service
for 13-19s.
5.15 Children’s Trusts will commission
services and may provide them directly or
contract with public, private or voluntary
sector organisations. Staff providing the
services may be seconded into the Trust
or transferred.
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 71
Sheffield Children’s Trust
The Sheffield Children’s Trust will be a whole systems approach – to
and provide services to all 0-19 year olds in the city. Partners will
share aims,
objectives and key indicators, which focus the Trust on children and
their families.
The Trust will include Connexions, leisure and housing in the
A common assessment process has already been developed and agreed. There
are mechanisms to involve children and families in the development of
The Sheffield Children’s Trust will develop extended schools and many
will be delivered around these schools.
What will be the key features of Children’s
5.16 Children’s Trusts will have the following
core features:
clear short and long term objectives
covering the five Green Paper outcome
areas of: enjoying and achieving, staying
safe, being healthy, making a positive
contribution, and economic well-being
a Director of Children’s Services in overall
charge of delivering these outcomes and
responsible for services within the Trust
and co-ordination of services outside the
a single planning and commissioning
function supported by pooled budgets.
This would involve developing an overall
picture of children’s needs within an area,
and developing provision through public,
private, voluntary and community
providers to respond to those needs. The
Trust should involve children and families
in putting together the picture of their
needs and in designing the services to
meet those needs. It would also involve
developing arrangements for pooled
budgets through a Section 31
5.17 The integration of objectives, planning
and commissioning through Children’s Trusts
is designed to achieve the integration of
frontline service provision as outlined in the
previous Chapter. This is expected to include:
co-located services such as Children’s
Centres and extended schools
multi-disciplinary teams and a key
worker system
a common assessment framework across
information sharing systems across
services so that warning signs are
aggregated, and children’s outcomes
are measured over time
joint training with some identical
modules so that staff have a single
message about key policies and
procedures such as a child protection
and can learn about each other’s roles
and responsibilities
effective arrangements for safeguarding
arrangements for addressing interface
issues with other services, such as services
for parents with mental health problems.
5.18 The move to Children’s Trusts is an
ambitious agenda. The pace of change will
need to vary according to local
circumstances, particularly given that health
services and Connexions Partnerships are
often not coterminous with local authorities,
which could add to the complexity of the
transition. It will be essential to manage
change so that standards of practice and
care are not disrupted.
5.19 As set out above, the Government
expects localities to develop a change
programme for implementing the framework
set out in the Green Paper. As a minimum,
PCTs will be asked to ensure that the
relevant sections of their delivery plans in
72 Every
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Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally
relation to children are agreed with the
Director of Children’s Services. Delegation of
commissioning and the transfer of budgets is
the preferred model. Partnership working on
children’s services is an integral part of the
agreement that PCTs reach with Strategic
Health Authorities as part of the performance
management system.
5.20 The Government is also keen to see a
closer integration of the services provided by
education welfare services, Children’s Fund,
Connexions, Youth Service, learning mentors,
and Behaviour and Education Support
Teams. The total resource going into these
services is over £1 billion.
5.21 The Government wants Connexions
to play a full part in Children’s Trusts.
To reinforce this, the Government will,
through Connexions business planning
guidance from 2005:
ask Connexions Partnerships to use
Children’s Trusts, where appropriate, as
their local management committees. This
will give Trusts an influence over the use
of resource for the local authority area.
The amount of Connexions resource for
each local authority area should be
clearly identified by the Partnership
expect that Connexions business plans
should be signed off by local Children’s
Trusts before Ministers will agree them.
However, because of the way that
Connexions is administered, the
Connexions Partnership Chief Executive
will have the final say in the plan that is
submitted and Ministers would have
discretion to sign off plans without
agreement by Children’s Trusts to avoid
disputes blocking the delivery of
How Children’s Trusts will relate to other
5.22 Children’s Trusts will integrate the
functions of many key organisations that
come into contact with children, young
people and families. But some public sector
organisations will remain outside the Trust,
such as the police, the Learning and Skills
Council, some health functions, and housing
departments. Trusts will need to develop
close relationships with a network of private,
voluntary and community sector
5.23 The Government intends to legislate to
ensure co-operation between local
authorities and other public, private and
voluntary organisations to improve
outcomes for children. We intend to allow
flexibility over how this partnership working
is undertaken. In many areas, this may
involve building on the existing Children
and Young People’s Strategic Partnerships.
Local Safeguarding Children Boards
5.24 One area that requires wider
partnership than Children’s Trusts is the
safeguarding of children. This is currently
managed through Area Child Protection
Committees (ACPCs). The Joint Chief
Inspectors’ report Safeguarding Children
notes that these arrangements are not
working well in some areas. This has been
because of the low priority given to
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 73
safeguarding children by some of the bodies
involved. This can manifest itself in lack of
resources for child protection and lack of
senior management commitment. ACPCs
have often had limited influence on strategic
planning and the allocation of resources.
5.25 The Government therefore intends to
legislate to ensure that local authorities have
a duty to set up Local Safeguarding Children
Boards consisting of representatives from the
partner agencies, including housing, health,
police and probation services. Local
Safeguarding Children Boards will co-ordinate
the functions of all partner agencies in
relation to safeguarding children. These
boards will replace current ACPCs and we
expect that they will be chaired by the
Director of Children’s Services.
5.26 The role of the Local Safeguarding
Children Boards might include agreeing the
contribution each agency will make to
achieving the joint aim of safeguarding
children and deciding how any pooled funds
should be allocated. Local Safeguarding
Children Boards may have responsibility for
current ACPC responsibilities as set out in
Working Together to Safeguard Children
(1999). In addition they could commission
independent serious case reviews, and
manage a service to look at unexpected
child deaths to decide which need serious
case reviews, and draw out any public health
Regional arrangements
5.27 Government Offices for the Regions
represent Government in the regions. They
represent ten Departments and work to
deliver central policies in a way that is
responsive to local communities.
Government Offices already support
programmes for children and young people,
for example, neighbourhood renewal,
Connexions, Sure Start and Children’s Fund.
Government Offices co-ordinate this work
through Children’s Groups (GOCG), bringing
together the various interests and activities
that support delivery on the ground to
ensure coherence. We will examine how
central Government can use regional
arrangements to support more effectively
the delivery of services for children and
National arrangements
5.28 Key causes of fragmentation locally are
separate targets, planning requirements,
funding streams, and inspection systems
nationally. Where localities attempt to join
up services – for instance across the local
education authority and children’s social
services – central Government still expects
them to account for money separately, and
separate inspectorates assess them, even if
operationally services are integrated, and
outcomes mutually reinforcing.
5.29 The Government is committed to
supporting integration locally and
encouraging all services to give priority to
safeguarding children. A start has been made
in this direction through the move towards
joint inspections, but more needs to be done.
5.30 The Government has announced the
integration of national policy for children and
74 Every
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Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally
young people within the Department for
Education and Skills, with a new Minister
for Children, Young People and Families.
These changes bring together policy on
children’s social services, teenage pregnancy,
family and parenting law and support, and
family policy with education. By putting
children’s services together within a single
department and strengthening co-ordination
arrangements across Government, the
Government is putting children at the heart
of policy development and service delivery
and ensuring better integration. The Minister
will work with a board of stakeholders,
including local government and the
voluntary sector, to improve the delivery
and cohesiveness of Government policy
on children and young people.
5.31 This single focus will ensure integrated
policy development and unified national
leadership to develop:
a standard setting mechanism within the
Department for Education and Skills,
charged with removing barriers to
effectiveness and reducing the
bureaucratic burden of overlapping
planning requirements, standards and
an integrated inspection framework and
lead inspectorate for children to ensure
services are judged on how well they
work together
an intervention and improvement
mechanism to drive up performance
everywhere, and intervene in areas where
national standards are not being met.
Standard setting
5.32 The Government intends to create a
standard setting mechanism that would set
out the outcomes and practice standards
expected of localities. This will build on the
standards for health and social care that will
be set out in the National Service Framework
for Children to be published next year. The
standard setting mechanism should set out
what is expected of different agencies in
terms of contributing to children’s outcomes,
including child protection. This function will
need to work with Departments across
Whitehall to simplify the performance
management system for children’s services.
This will involve:
rationalisation of targets to create fewer
targets that are more complementary
across services and are focused on core
streamlining planning requirements,
building on reforms already undertaken
such as the creation of a single Education
Plan for LEAs by April 2006
rationalisation of the number of funding
streams for children’s services through
the next Spending Review process
ensuring national guidance on service
standards is clear.
5.33 The Government will continue to work
with others to ensure child protection is a
priority across agencies including the police
and health services. The Government has
brought safeguarding within the framework
of clinical governance through the new
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 75
National Service Framework hospital
standard, following the recommendations
of Lord Laming. Child protection is included
in the National Policing Plan. This plan is
currently under review and the new plan
will be published in November 2003.
5.34 The Government has already
introduced a new duty under the Education
Act 2002 on local education authorities,
schools and further education institutions to
underpin and reinforce the priority given to
safeguarding and protecting children. Under
the Act, LEAs and the governing bodies of
schools and FE institutions will be required to
make arrangements to carry out their
functions with a view to safeguarding and
promoting the welfare of children, and to
have regard to guidance issued by the
Secretary of State in drawing up those
arrangements. The new duty will come into
force on 1 April 2004. DfES will issue new
guidance to assist with implementation.
5.35 In addition, we intend, subject to
consultation, to place a duty on all relevant
local bodies (e.g. such as the police and
health organisations) in exercising their
normal functions, to have regard to
safeguarding children, promoting their
well-being and working together through
the local partnership arrangements.
5.36 The Government is committed to
ensuring inspection captures how well
services work together to improve children’s
lives within a framework that is consistent
with the recommendations of the recent
Office for Public Services Reform review.
To do this, we intend to create an integrated
inspection framework across children’s
services. Ofsted will take the lead in
developing a framework for integrated
inspections in consultation with Commission
for Social Care Improvement, Commission for
Health Improvement (CHI) and the Audit
Commission. Where appropriate, they will
bring together joint teams to carry out areabased
inspections of education, social
services, Connexions, youth services and
child health services and drawing on the
work of other inspectorates such as Her
Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, and
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation.
5.37 The inspection framework would cover
the quality of provision, training of staff,
outcomes achieved, management capacity,
accountability arrangements and the value
for money of services overall. Services would
be assessed on how well they worked
together to meet overall objectives for
children, as well as on how well they met
their own objectives.
5.38 Inspections would lead to a published
report which would assess and give a rating
for the quality of provision overall, as well as
service by service, and also the quality of
joint working such as information sharing
and multi-disciplinary teams. The report
would be sent to those responsible for all the
services involved in the area, and (in respect
of local authority services) feed into the
Comprehensive Performance Assessment
(CPA). The Government will discuss with the
Audit Commission and others how best to
76 Every
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ensure that these new arrangements are
reflected in the revisions to the CPA due in
2005. We would welcome views on the best
way to achieve effective integrated
inspection of this sort.
5.39 We would expect the Director of
Children’s Services to take the lead in
drawing together a combined action plan in
response to the inspection, which would be
a useful basis from which to create or extend
a Trust to improve the standards and
co-ordination of services.
5.40 An integrated inspection framework
would be a powerful force to secure genuine
integration of local authority services under
the new Director of Children’s Services, and
to encourage a quicker move to Trusts
bringing together health and other services.
The integrated framework would build upon
the child-focused approach developed in
joint inspections by tracking children’s
journeys through the system, and asking
them for their views. It could also encourage
the involvement of young people in
inspection teams.
5.41 As well as inspecting services and
assessing management capacity, the
integrated inspections could help in the
assessment of plans for change drawn up as
part of the move to reform service delivery.
This would need to be handled carefully so
as not to compromise their ability to report
objectively on the implementation of the
5.42 A new way of inspecting children’s
services at local authority level would need
to be matched by further integration and
reform of inspection and regulation that has
a real impact on those who are delivering
integrated services at neighbourhood and
individual level. For example, residential
schools and the new Children’s Centres are
subject to a number of different registration
and inspection arrangements because of the
range of services they deliver. The
inspectorates responsible already co-operate
closely to minimise the burden of inspection,
but we will review the formal requirements
in order to streamline the inspection process
further and enable services to receive a full
overall assessment of quality.
Support for improvement
5.43 Given the complexities of the task of
developing Children’s Trusts, there will be a
need to give support to all authorities. The
Government is establishing a network of
pathfinder authorities to enable them to share
developmental expertise. Central Government
will also co-ordinate the identification of
expertise that sites may need to draw on. The
Government will enable authorities to provide
support to one another as they identify
specialist expertise that they can offer.
5.44 The Government is committed to
allowing local flexibility over how national
standards are delivered. However, in areas
where standards are not being met, it will be
essential to have an effective intervention
regime in place. Government can also play a
role in supporting change through sharing
effective practice across the country. The
intervention process will need to be
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 77
transparent and based on the evidence of
performance management and inspection.
It will operate to build local capacity and will
give localities the opportunity to correct
problems for themselves where possible.
5.45 We will explore how the principle of
earned autonomy can be applied further to
children’s services and welcomes views on
how success could be rewarded, for example
through less frequent inspections.
5.46 Where Ministers decide intervention is
appropriate, we will require local changes.
Options will include:
allowing one local agency to take over
running services currently delivered by
another (for example an excellent local
authority could take on delivery of key
health services for children or vice versa)
replacing the management of services
within a Children’s Trust and requiring
improvements in co-ordination. Functions
could be carried out by another public
organisation or under contract with a
private or not for profit organisation
requiring that a service or group of
services be exposed to competition,
using the Best Value reviewing process
requiring that the commissioning
function is taken on by another
directing that particular budgets should
be pooled
incentivising authorities to set up trading
companies to take on commissioning or
provision in failing areas.
Involving children in developing services
5.47 The creation of an organisation defined
by its client group rather than professional
functions offers an important opportunity to
involve children and young people in
decision making. This is important in its own
right, but also as a way of creating bottomup
pressure for change in services. There are
many good examples of local work in this
area, particularly through Quality Protects
and Connexions Partnerships. These include
young people’s representation on local
scrutiny committees and interview panels for
staff, and ‘Question Time’ events for
members and senior officers with young
people. We need to spread existing good
practice nationally, particularly in terms of
engaging hard to reach groups. Views are
invited on whether the Government should
establish minimum standards for the
involvement of children and young people
and what they could include.
5.48 The Government is committed to
providing more opportunities for children
and young people to get involved in the
planning, delivery and evaluation of policies
and services relevant to them. Young people
have been involved in the production of a
version of this Green Paper specifically aimed
at 11-16 year olds.
5.49 The Government has also involved
children and young people to develop:
national advocacy standards. A children’s
version of the standards will be published
78 Every
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standards for children in hospital as part
of the development of the NSF for
children and in the establishment
of patient forums
the Connexions Service, including
scrutinising Connexions Partnerships’
business plans and the recruitment of
Personal Advisers and Chief Executives
a Children and Young People’s Advisory
Forum, involving 26 young people aged
11-17 from a range of backgrounds to
advise Government itself on the
development of policy.
5.50 To ensure children’s and young people’s
voices are effectively heard, the Government
intends to legislate at the earliest opportunity
for the appointment of a statutory Children’s
Commissioner. The Commissioner would
act as a children’s champion independent of
Government, and would speak for all
children but especially the disadvantaged
whose voices are too often drowned out.
The Commissioner would advise
Government and also engage with others,
such as business and the media, whose
decisions and actions affect children’s lives.
5.51 The Commissioner would develop
effective ways to draw on children’s views,
locally and nationally, and make sure they
were fed into policy making. The
Commissioner would test the success of
policies in terms of what children think
and experience. It is essential that the
Commissioner does not become dominated
by responding to numerous individual
complaints and retains its strategic focus.
Its role will be to work with the relevant
Ombudsman and statutory bodies to ensure
children have quick and easy access to
complaints procedures that work. The
Commissioner would only investigate
individual cases where the issues have a
wider relevance to other children, as directed
by the Secretary of State.
5.52 To ensure independence, the
Commissioner would have the duty to report
to Parliament through the Secretary of State
for Education and Skills. The Commissioner
would report on progress against the
outcomes for children, as a result of action
by Government and others, drawing on but
going wider than the reports arising from
joint inspections of children’s services.
Next steps
5.53 The Government is keen to ensure the
barriers to integration are removed and to
put in place some minimum standards in
terms of accountability and joining up. We
therefore intend to legislate at the earliest
opportunity in relation to the above
5.54 Legislation may also be needed to
remove the barriers to Children’s Trusts. This
will be based on the early feedback from the
pathfinders and consultation. Early priorities
include further consideration of the current
framework for pooling budgets between the
NHS and local authorities. Legislation will
also be needed to establish inspection
arrangements. We will review the adequacy
of current powers to intervene in areas
falling below national standards.
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 79
5.55 The Government seeks views on how it
can work with authorities to move forward
rapidly on this agenda and support local areas
to take on Children’s Trust status over a period
up to 2006. The intention is to use the local
preventative strategies as the basis for a selfaudit
of children’s services in relation to the
tests of success set out in this Green Paper
and developing local change programmes
based on these self-assessments.
5.56 In response to the consultation, the
Government will publish an action plan
outlining the timetable for change.
In summary this will cover:
supporting the development of change
developing and improving support and
intervention arrangements
developing guidance to remove further
barriers to pooling and delegation of
improving and rationalising funding,
performance indicators, standards,
partnership and planning requirements
5.57 The aim of these reforms is to organise
services around the needs of children and
young people. Achieving this is a shared
responsibility between national, regional and
local government, partners in the voluntary,
community and private sectors and children,
young people and families. The Government
would like your views on the overall vision, and
the role of each partner in making it a reality.
80 Every
child matters – Accountability and
Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally
Consultation Questions
Views are invited on all the proposals in this Chapter. In particular:
How can we encourage better integration of funding for
support services for
children and young people?
Should all authorities and other relevant local
agencies have a duty to promote
the wellbeing of children?
How best can young people be involved in local
decision-making and should the
Government establish, for example, minimum standards for this?
Should Local Safeguarding Children Boards be
statutory, and what should their
powers and duties be?
How can we develop, enhance and encourage the Children’s
Trust model?
What services should be required to form part of
Children’s Trusts, and what are
the risks in involving more services – for instance, aligning Connexions
geographical structures with Children’s Trusts?
How can inspections be integrated better?
Every child matters – Accountability and Integration – Locally, Regionally and Nationally 81
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 83
The Government’s proposals build on the
lessons from recent workforce reforms in
schools, social care, health and the police.
Over time, the Government would like to
develop a pay and workforce strategy to
address recruitment and retention within
the children’s workforce, and improve its
skills and effectiveness. We will achieve
this through:
a workforce reform strategy to
improve the skills and effectiveness
of the children’s workforce and
make working with children a more
attractive career option. This will
review rewards, incentives and
relativities across children’s practice
a high profile recruitment campaign
a comprehensive workload survey
more flexible and attractive training
routes into social work, including
expanding work based training routes
for graduates
common occupational standards across
children’s practice linked to modular
qualifications which allow workers to
move between jobs more easily
a common core of training for those
who work solely with children and
families and those who have wider roles
(such as GPs and the police)
a review undertaken by the Chief
Nursing Officer of the contribution
that health visitors and other nurses
and midwives can make for children
at risk
a leadership development programme
to foster high calibre leadership.
A Children’s Workforce Unit, based in the
Department for Education and Skills, will
develop the pay and workforce strategy
for those who work with children. The
Unit will work with the relevant
employers, staff and Government
Departments to establish a Sector Skills
Council (SSC) for Children and Young
People’s Services to deliver key parts of
the strategy.
Workforce Reform
6.1 The Government recognises the tireless
efforts of all those working with children.
Many frontline staff work under pressure, in
challenging circumstances. They possess a
wealth and diversity of skills and expertise
yet often go without proper appreciation
by society for the vital job they do.
6.2 More than four million people in
England work with children, or support
those working with children. This includes
2.4 million paid staff and 1.8 million unpaid
staff and volunteers. In addition, many
professionals such as GPs and hospital
staff play an important role in supporting
children and families, but also have wider
6.3 The box below gives estimates of the
numbers of full-time equivalent staff in some
of the key roles working with children, young
people and their families and employed by
local authorities, schools, the NHS, and the
private and voluntary sectors.
6.4 The children’s workforce is diverse, with
people entering at various stages in their
lives. However, there is considerable scope
for encouraging more people from black and
minority ethnic groups, more men and more
people with disabilities to enter the
children’s workforce.
6.5 The new structures and ways of working
set out earlier in the Green Paper will help
the children’s workforce to work more
effectively and to join up across professional
84 Every
child matters – Workforce Reform
13,000 health visitors, 2,500 school nurses, almost
6,000 speech and
language therapists, and over 50,000 other health professionals
paediatricians, children’s nurses and midwives
years and childcare: 83,000 early years workers and 280,000 childcare
workforce: 440,000 teachers and 230,000 school
support staff
workers: 40,000 children and families social
welfare: 3,000 education welfare officers
7,000 Connexions personal advisers
work: 7,000 youth workers
30,000 play workers
400,000 sports and leisure workers
offending: 5,000 people working in Youth Offending
Teams and 5,000
people working in the juvenile secure estate
boundaries. But they will not be enough in
themselves to tackle some current issues.
This Chapter sets out how the Government
will address two key challenges: raising the
attractiveness of working with children in
order to improve recruitment and retention;
and improving the skills and effectiveness of
the workforce.
Recruitment and retention
6.6 Recruitment and retention problems
are not uniform and there are variations
between different job roles and in different
parts of the country. There are significant
problems of recruitment and retention in
social work where the national vacancy rate
is 11 percent. There is also an estimated
national shortage of 8,000 foster carers.
6.7 Figure 1 below shows the stark
comparisons between vacancy rates across
different public sector professions, and
between rates in London and the rest of
the country.
6.8 Problems with recruitment and
retention have a number of causes:
image and status. Social workers have
suffered from a poor public image, and
childcare is often seen as low status
variable management and supervision.
This is a problem across the public sector
which is identified in the Audit
Commission’s Recruitment and Retention
report (2002), and re-emphasised in Lord
Laming’s report
workload and bureaucracy. High vacancy
rates contribute to pressure on those in
post, and requirements designed to
secure accountability impose increasing
demands for information. As a result,
some social workers spend less than
30 percent of their time working directly
with children and families, performing
tasks that might be better done by others
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 85
Teachers Police Nursing C&F Social
homes staff
Vacancy rate – national Vacancy rate – London
Figure 1: Public sector vacancy rates
expansion. New initiatives and increasing
investment run the risk of competing for
a limited pool of staff
complex pay issues which may play
a part in recruitment and retention
difficulties in some areas, and need
further exploration. For many groups
including social workers, available
flexibilities may not have been enough to
ensure employers attract the workforce
they require.
Skills, teamwork and flexibility
6.9 Knowledge and understanding of child
protection procedures among frontline staff
who work with children is often patchy and
underdeveloped. There is often little initial
training and support for staff working in
children’s homes and limited routes towards
attaining qualifications. Currently, only 27
percent of non-managerial staff in children’s
homes hold a relevant professional
qualification, including the five percent who
are qualified social workers.
6.10 A number of those currently working
with children have roles which overlap in
some important respects. For example an
education welfare officer, a Connexions
personal adviser or a learning mentor may
all play the key worker role with a child who
truants from school. But current training, as
well as pay and conditions, are very different
for each role. These roles also have close
professional competence links with
frontline social workers.
6.11 Within the more integrated structures
and working practices set out in earlier
Chapters, it will remain the case that some
children and families need support from a
range of professionals. We need to establish
new cultures in the workplace so that
individual professionals work horizontally
across professional boundaries rather than
vertically in professional hierarchies.
6.12 Everyone working with children needs
to be trained to do their own job well. They
also need to know how their role fits with
that of others. They need the skills to work
positively with, and draw on the expertise of,
other professionals and support staff. Among
other things this will avoid unnecessary and
unproductive referrals. This is true not only
for those working with children with
identified needs, but also for teachers and
GPs who can be the first to spot emerging
Progress so far
6.13 The Government has recognised
the central importance of the children’s
workforce to the delivery of improved
services, and the need for pay and workforce
strategies to underpin reforms. Individual
departments have taken significant steps to
improve training for those working with
6.14 Alongside increased teacher
recruitment, a major transformation of the
school workforce is underway, with the
development of new and more flexible
roles for support staff in schools, including
pastoral care, behaviour management, and
counselling. The proposals in this Chapter
will complement school workforce reform
86 Every
child matters – Workforce Reform
and support the implementation of Raising
standards and tackling workload: a national
6.15 In the case of the social care workforce,
reforms include:
a new three year social work degree,
to begin this year, designed to increase
the competence to practise of those
completing social work training, to raise
the professional status of the occupation,
and to bring it more in line with national
and international peers
a new post-qualifying childcare award
for social workers
the General Social Care Council (GSCC) is
beginning to register the social work
the Social Care Institute of Excellence
(SCIE) is collecting and spreading good
changing workforce programme pilots –
the first five of which will be up and
running this year – will support the
reform of the social care workforce by
rigorously testing new workforce roles
against their ability to meet the needs
of users
the social care workforce development
grants to social care employers are being
trebled from £72 million in 2002-03 to
£226 million by 2005-06
6.16 Following the Victoria Climbié Inquiry,
the Government commissioned a review of
training in inter-agency work and
communication in child protection services.
The review is led by the General Social Care
Council, and involves all the professional
bodies responsible for training professional
staff from agencies engaged in child
protection work – the police, social services,
education and the NHS. It is due to report in
autumn 2003.
6.17 More flexible entry routes into the
children’s professions are being developed
for non-graduates:
the Youth Justice Board has developed a
new qualifications framework and new
learning and development programmes
for youth justice staff and is piloting
Advanced Modern Apprenticeships
the employment-based Graduate
Teacher Programme (GTP) and the
Registered Teacher Programme (RTP)
involve trainees being employed by a
school as an unqualified teacher while
they follow an individual training
there are a growing number of
employment based routes into social
work. The Department of Health this
year introduced a Trainee Social Worker
Programme that will fund the equivalent
of 600 posts.
6.18 Connexions has developed multiagency
training for professionals working
with 13-19 year olds. Staff from a range of
backgrounds – careers, social work,
education welfare, the voluntary sector –
learn together to develop a shared
understanding of how to work across
agencies to improve outcomes for young
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 87
people. To date, over 7,500 people have
participated in Connexions training.
Way forward
6.19 Our aim is to ensure that all children’s
services have enough people, of a high
calibre and with the right skills to meet
the needs of children and families. All
Government Departments are now
developing pay and workforce strategies
following the cross cutting review of the
public sector labour market. In line with this
approach, we will develop a pay and
workforce strategy to improve the skills and
effectiveness of the children’s workforce. It
will be based on a thorough assessment of
the roles, skills, supply and demand and
trends for all parts of the children’s workforce
and plans for change in service delivery.
6.20 The reform agenda will be driven
forward though a new Children’s Workforce
Unit in DfES. The Unit will be complemented
by a new Sector Skills Council (SSC) for
Children and Young People’s Services to
ensure that employers are fully involved
in the process of reform.
6.21 The reform of the children’s workforce
is aimed at:
raising the attractiveness and status
of the work
improving skills and collaborative
Raising the attractiveness of the work
6.22 An early priority must be to develop
a better understanding of the demand for
people to work with children in current roles,
and the skills which are required in each.
Mapping demand against current trends in
training and recruitment should provide an
understanding of the cause of any shortfalls
and how to bridge the gap. Another early
priority will be to define the precise range
of roles and occupations on which reforms
will focus.
6.23 Following this detailed analysis, the
Government plans to develop a package of
measures, broadly similar to those already in
place for teaching, to increase recruitment
and retention for others working with
children. Views are invited on the following
package of measures, which is based on
what the current workforce – frontline staff
and their managers – say would make a real
6.24 In mapping the current workforce and
planning new developments it will be
important to build upon and support the
role of the many volunteers who devote
their time and skills to helping children and
families. Some volunteers will welcome the
opportunity to move into the paid
workforce, if training and work patterns can
be adjusted to fit their needs. Most will want
to remain in an unpaid role, but might
welcome opportunities for training and
development jointly with those in linked
services. All professionals need to understand
the important roles which volunteers play,
offering readily accessible support that is
rooted in the local community.
88 Every
child matters – Workforce Reform
Pay and financial incentives
6.25 The Children’s Workforce Unit will work
with employers and staff to develop a
workforce reform strategy to improve the
skills and effectiveness of the children’s
workforce. This will review rewards,
incentives and relativities across children’s
practice with the aim of moving towards a
career framework that fairly rewards skills and
responsibilities, and ensures effective
incentives for good practitioners to stay on
the front line.
6.26 The Unit will consider how to resolve
recruitment and retention problems in
different regional and local labour markets,
and in particular areas of children’s practice
such as social work. Progress will depend on
reform which delivers better outcomes for
children and on resources.
6.27 There are currently many different
arrangements for determining pay and
conditions for staff who work with children,
including Pay Review Bodies for teachers,
health service staff and others. These should
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 89
Health Service: Agenda for Change
Under the Agenda for Change agreement, staff will be placed in one of
eight pay
bands on the basis of their knowledge, responsibility, skills and the
effort needed
for the job, rather than on the basis of their current job title.
NHS productivity should be improved both by the focus on a better skilled
workforce working in new ways, and by breaking down barriers between
roles with nurses doing some of the task traditionally reserved for
doctors, and
support staff taking on some of the nurses’ tasks.
School Workforce Reform
Advanced Skills Teachers (ASTs) posts have created a new career path for
teachers who want to continue as teachers and use their skills to
support the
professional development of their colleagues. Over the last year AST
numbers have
expanded from just under 1,000 in post in January 2002 to around 3,000
at the end
of March 2003.
In January 2003, Ministers signed an historic national agreement with
head teacher,
teacher and support staff unions and local government employers on the
and practical implementation of school workforce reform. It has paved
the way for
changes to the teachers’ contract; more support staff in extended roles,
personal assistants for teachers, cover supervisors and higher level
assistants; and a concerted attack on bureaucracy, including the
establishment of
a new Implementation Review Unit, featuring a panel of serving
continue their important work. The
Children’s Workforce Unit will explore with
stakeholders how to support employers on
issues such as roles, skills, recruitment and
reward for people who work with children
across the labour market as a whole, taking
account of regional and local differences.
That does not mean moving away from
trusted systems for setting pay for particular
6.28 The Children’s Workforce Unit will need
to consider the following questions in
developing reforms:
what should be the precise scope and
focus of its reforms?
what could be achieved through new
pay arrangements, and what are the risks
of change?
how can resources be targeted at areas
with the greatest recruitment and
retention challenges?
how best can fairness as well as efficiency
be ensured within such a system?
what use should be made of golden
hellos and training bursaries?
how can good performance be
incentivised and rewarded?
is there potential to develop a scheme to
support the retention of vital frontline
social care staff, drawing on the lessons
from the Advanced Skills Teachers
how can flexible working patterns be
how can the ‘climbing frame’
qualifications approach developed in the
early years sector whereby people can
move across different professions as well
as progress upwards be applied more
Bureaucracy and workload
6.29 The Children’s Workforce Unit will
undertake a comprehensive workload survey
to look at how to increase the time spent
working with children and families, by
cutting out unnecessary paperwork,
improving support from supervisors and
administrators, and better use of ICT.
Recruitment and entry routes
6.30 The Children’s Workforce Unit will
develop a high profile recruitment campaign
for entry into the children’s workforce,
including general advertising and targeted
recruitment. It will examine how to support
people with no or few traditional education
qualifications to enter the profession through
modern apprenticeships and foundation
degrees. Building on the lessons from the
Graduate Teacher Programme, it will also
examine how to extend flexible work based
entry routes for graduates.
6.31 It will also consider how to support
people who are changing jobs mid-life and
women returning to the labour market after
having children. Flexible and high quality
routes into working with children will help
to increase both the quantity and quality
of recruits. Good professional development
for frontline staff, and for their leaders and
managers, can also have an important effect
on morale and retention.
90 Every
child matters – Workforce Reform
6.32 The Children’s Workforce Unit will
also examine how Jobcentre Plus can:
promote careers in working with children,
young people and families
explore the development of its role in
commissioning childcare training, given
the important influence this can have in
helping people into work
work actively with the voluntary sector
and community groups to match people
with opportunities to work with children
in their local community.
Improving skills and teamwork
Working together
6.33 The Government is committed to
working with children’s workers to deliver
world class services. To that end, the
Children’s Workforce Unit will examine how
to develop collaborative approaches with
frontline staff to identify and overcome the
barriers they face in improving services to
children. This sort of approach has delivered
significant improvements in the NHS.
Evolving roles
6.34 While their roles are distinct, there
are already some common elements across
‘children’s practice’ in the work of education
welfare officers, learning mentors and
Connexions personal advisers, support staff
for those with special educational needs,
youth workers, YOT staff, and children’s social
workers. Occupational mapping of the first
three roles is already in hand. As the new
approaches set out in this Green Paper are
developed, those elements in common will
become clearer, as will the distinctive part
that those playing each role should be able
to contribute. As joint working becomes the
norm, clarity about roles and responsibilities
will be all the more important. This may
mean that some of the labels worn today
will need to be changed in order to
communicate clearly who is doing what
within a reconfigured, modernised workforce.
6.35 Around half of local authorities have
career grade progression schemes in place
for social work staff. The Government would
like to see an extension of this recognition of
advanced skills in the workforce so that the
most skilled professional staff can be
rewarded and newly qualified staff given
strong incentives to develop their expertise.
Developments could involve:
an extension of the current senior
practitioner posts, linked to a role in
disseminating good practice outside their
immediate workplace, based on the
lessons of Advanced Skills Teachers
consideration of a consultant social worker
role at a very high level of practitioner
seniority as already developed by a small
number of local authorities.
6.36 The reforms set out in Chapter Five
are aimed at clarifying accountability, and
creating greater space for leadership by
placing key services under the control of
Directors of Children’s Services. The quality
of leadership will be critical as children’s
services go through a period of reform and
culture change.
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 91
6.37 To support this, the Children’s
Workforce Unit will develop a programme
to foster the highest calibre of leadership in
children’s services, building on the work
done by existing employers and
departments. The Unit will also have an
important role in supporting the efforts of
local authorities in recruiting and developing
Directors of Children’s Services.
Common core training and continuing
professional development
6.38 The Government intends to develop
national occupational standards and a
modular training and qualifications structure
across the widest possible range of workers
in children’s services. This will enable all
people working with children to share a
common core of skills, knowledge and
competence and help people move across
professional boundaries. The Children’s
Workforce Unit will also seek to increase the
availability of high quality continuous
professional development for all who work
with children.
6.39 A common core of standards and
training will support the development of
more effective integrated services across
professional disciplines, and promote more
flexible career progression and development.
Clearer recognition of roles and skills will be
relevant in reviewing pay issues: both
ensuring there are incentives to develop and
use new skills, and considering whether
there are barriers to career development.
6.40 Those working in more specialised
professional roles, such as GPs, teachers and
police and prison officers, need a common
language and understanding of children’s
needs, as the basis for positive professional
6.41 The Children’s and Young People’s Unit
commissioned the Interdisciplinary
Childhood and Youth Studies Network to
propose the content for a common core of
training for all professionals working with
children. They suggested content organised
under six headings:
92 Every
child matters – Workforce Reform
Nottingham – Joint Training and Learning
Nottingham has developed an innovative approach through a consultation
bringing together social work practitioners and colleagues from other
including the statutory and voluntary sector.
Additional expertise can be called on for specific issues, for example,
violence, mental health, drugs and alcohol.
The consultation forum allows practitioners to reflect on particular
cases where
there are complex issues around safeguarding children; to learn from
disciplines; and to take that learning back into their workplace, as
well as
identifying ways forward for individual children.
understanding the developmental nature
of childhood
parents, parenting and family life
managing transitions
understanding child protection
understanding risk and protective factors
listening to and involving children and
young people.
6.42 We would welcome views on whether
these headings are broadly right and how
we might best ensure that training for
different professional groups develops a
shared understanding of the relevant issues.
There may be particular advantage in
delivering such training to multi-disciplinary
groups of workers or of students.
Health visitors, children’s nursing and midwifery
6.43 Health visitors are responsible for
assessing and responding to the health
needs of children, families and communities.
The workforce has an important role in
supporting children and families in the early
years as well as a wider role in improving the
health of the population as a whole.
Increasingly, health visitors are working in
multi-disciplinary teams with others such as
nursery nurses and community development
workers to promote child and family health.
There is scope to further develop interdisciplinary
working with some health
visitors and other nurses working in
integrated children and families teams
alongside other health, education and social
care professionals. This should help to deliver
more accessible, joined up services with
optimum use of diverse skills.
6.44 The Chief Nursing Officer will
undertake a review of the contribution that
health visitors and other nurses and
midwives can make to children at risk in the
light of the Green Paper and their wider
public health and health care responsibilities.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
6.45 Delivering improved child mental
health depends upon enlarging the capacity
of the child and adolescent mental health
workforce. Children’s mental health is the
business of all the people, agencies and
services in contact with children and young
people. Everyone with significant
professional contact with children and
young people should be able to recognise
and deal with normal developmental
problems and know when to ask for
assistance with more complex problems.
To achieve this they need proper skills and
6.46 The Government will develop a
coherent multi-agency strategy for mental
health skill development within all children’s
agencies. This will build on the initiatives
currently underway, including the
development of mental health awareness
training for Youth Offending Teams and
guidance to school staff on their role and
how to seek further specialist help. It will
also address the continuing and additional
training needs of the CAMHS workforce,
including from all those agencies that make
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 93
up a comprehensive CAMHS service, and the
development of new career pathways.
6.47 Encouraging more people to work with
children and enhancing the skills of those
who work with children is a priority.
It requires considerable work by employers,
the Government and statutory agencies to
deliver reform in this diverse sector. We need
quickly to identify and address workforce
development priorities. And the voluntary
sector will be an important partner in these
6.48 Key steps to be taken include:
an assessment of present and future
demand and need
a clear and accurate assessment of
employment patterns and the skills
required for work in this sector
an assessment of skills supply and
demand, considering issues of
recruitment and retention in different
regional and local labour markets,
workforce turnover, pay, skills gaps and
shortages and how human resource
policies affect these
the development of a strategy for skills in
this sector, encompassing a modular
training programme, and with clear links
to the skills strategy for the voluntary and
community services sector that will be
published in the autumn
the development of a targeted
recruitment campaign, specifically
designed for this sector
a review of occupational standards and
skills development provision, the
identification of significant gaps and
action to fill these
commissioning high quality training
provision where the market is currently
not providing this, and stimulating
innovation in delivery to ensure
maximum access by people working
or preparing to work in the sector
work with employers and staff to
consider how a new approach to pay
could address current problems and
support desired changes.
6.49 The Children’s Workforce Unit will
co-ordinate work between key partners to
deliver these functions and produce a pay
and workforce strategy for the children’s
workforce. The initial phase of work will be
completed by spring 2004, in order to feed
into the next Spending Review. The new Unit
will work closely alongside the existing
School Workforce Unit in DfES. It will bring
together employers, Government
Departments, statutory bodies, the voluntary
sector and other relevant agencies to deliver
this work. These partners include employerled
Sector Skills Councils with responsibility
for employers working with children;
Employers’ Organisation for Local
Government; General Social Care Council;
other relevant employer groups and
associations; bodies responsible for funding
and commissioning training and its
inspection, including the Higher Education
Funding Council (England), Learning and
94 Every
child matters – Workforce Reform
Skills Council, Adult Learning Inspectorate,
Commission for Social Care Inspection,
Ofsted, and Government Departments.
6.50 Strong employer leadership for this
diverse sector is essential. The Children’s
Workforce Unit will work with all the relevant
key partners to establish a Sector Skills
Council (SSC) for Children and Young
People’s Services. We would envisage the
Council assuming responsibility for the
widest possible range of functions listed
above. As SSCs are UK-wide bodies, the
Council would need to be sufficiently flexible
to address both the common and differing
skill needs of people who work with children
in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
6.51 The development of a Sector Skills
Council will take time, and the Government
will need to take an initial lead. We intend to
prioritise work on children’s social work and
related professions, but a Children and
Young People’s Services SSC will also need
to cover the wider children’s workforce, from
early years right through to Connexions
and youth work. One key role would be to
encourage new models of high quality
training, as responsive as possible to the
employer and customer rather than
institutional priorities. This might in due
course be secured by direct funding of
professional courses, as the Teacher Training
Agency funds initial teacher training.
Improved training could also be supported
by integrated inspections for professional
training, building on the proposed
integrated inspection framework described
in Chapter Five.
6.52 Taking forward this demanding reform
agenda will require close partnership
working with a range of existing bodies such
as the TTA and the GSCC. Good relationships
will need to be established with the wide
range of employers who have an interest in
this work, and whose engagement will be
essential to the success of any strategy. Many
of the employers in the sector are small and
it will be important to ensure they are able to
take part in, influence and benefit from
discussions. The Sector Skills Development
Agency and the Small Business Service have
an important role to play here.
6.53 Local authorities and the Children’s
Trusts within them will remain the major
employers of those on whom the initial work
of the Unit will focus. The close involvement
of the Local Government Association and the
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister will be
essential to their success. The workforce
reforms will be given an added impetus not
only by the changes to structures and
working practices described earlier, but also
by the streamlined regime of standard
setting and inspection which will show how
the skills and knowledge of the workforce
contribute to improved outcomes for
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 95
96 Every
child matters – Workforce Reform
Consultation Questions
The Government would welcome views on the proposals set out in this
In particular:
What are the priorities that the workforce reform
strategy should tackle to
improve recruitment, retention and incentives for those working with
Should all those working with children share a common
core of skills and
Should there be a common qualifications structure for
all those in key roles
working with children? If so, which roles should it cover?
Every child matters – Workforce Reform 97
98 Every
child matters – The Consultation Process
and Summary of Questions
The Consultation
Process and Summary
of Questions
Thank you for taking the time to respond
to the questions set out below on this
Green Paper, Every Child Matters.
We welcome any further comments you
may have on this Green Paper or on the
Regulatory Impact Assessment of it which
can be accessed online at
To take part in the consultation, response
forms can be downloaded at the above
web address.
Completed questionnaires and other
responses, should be sent to the address
shown below by 1 December 2003.
By post: Children’s Green Paper,
Consultation Unit, Level 1, Area B, Castle
View House, East Lane, Runcorn, WA7 2GJ.
By e-mail:
Consultation Questions
Chapter 2
Views are invited on the proposals set out in
this Chapter. In particular:
How can we improve support for
unaccompanied asylum-seeking children,
building on the work of the Children’s
How can we ensure that serious welfare
concerns are appropriately dealt with
alongside criminal proceedings?
How can we encourage clusters of
schools to work together around
extended schools?
Chapter 3
Views are invited on the proposals set out in
this Chapter. In particular:
How can good quality decision-making
by social services in relation to achieving
permanence for the children for whom
they are responsible best be achieved?
Building on Choice Protects, what more
can we do to recruit and retain more
foster carers who are able to meet the
needs of looked after children?
How can local authorities, working with
the voluntary, community and private
sectors, develop a range of specialist
parenting support services?
Working with local authorities and other
existing providers what steps should the
Government take to make home visiting
services more widely available?
What further action could be taken to
extend the use of direct payments by
families with disabled children?
What more could be done to improve
services for children and families of
Chapter 4
Views are invited on the proposals set out in
this Chapter. In particular:
What currently gets in the way of
information sharing, and how can we
remove the barriers?
What should be the thresholds and
triggers for sharing information about
a child?
What are the circumstances (in addition
to child protection and youth offending)
under which information about a child
could or must be shared without the
consent of the child or their carers?
Should information on parents and
carers, such as domestic violence,
imprisonment, mental health or drug
problems, be shared?
How can we ensure that no children slip
through the system?
What issues might stand in the way of
effective information transfer across local
authority boundaries?
Should a unique identifying number
be used?
Views are also invited in the proposals
relating to multi-disciplinary teams:
– What are the barriers to developing
them further in a range of settings?
– How can we ensure multi-disciplinary
teams have greater leverage over
mainstream and specialist services?
Chapter 5
Views are invited on the proposals set out in
this Chapter. In particular:
How can we encourage better
integration of funding for support
services for children and young people?
Should all authorities and other relevant
local agencies have a duty to promote
the wellbeing of children?
How best can young people be involved
in local decision making and should the
Government, for example, establish
minimum standards for this?
Should Children and Young People’s
Strategic Partnerships and Local
Every child matters – The Consultation Process and Summary of Questions 99
Safeguarding Boards be statutory, and
what should their powers and duties be?
How can we develop, enhance and
encourage the Children’s Trust model?
What services should be required to form
part of Children’s Trusts, and what are the
risks involved in involving more servicesfor
instance, aligning Connexions
geographical structures with Children’s
How can inspections be integrated better?
Chapter 6
Views are invited on the proposals set out
in this Chapter. In particular:
What are the priorities that the workforce
reform strategy should tackle to improve
recruitment, retention and incentives for
those working with children?
Should all those working with children
share a common core of skills and
Should there be a common qualifications
structure for all those in key roles
working with children? If so, which roles
should it cover?
100 Every
child matters – The Consultation Process
and Summary of Questions
Every child matters – Timetable for action on Information Sharing 101
1. By the end of September 2003 local
authorities should:
have mechanisms in place which ensure
that IRT supports the delivery of their
local preventative strategy1
have a named individual to whom
agencies and professionals working with
children and young people can pass details
of children and young people found to be
missing from education. This individual
would take the lead in brokering support
for such children and young people
through the most appropriate agencies
have evidence of engagement with all
children’s services (statutory and
voluntary) in the development of IRT
ensure all staff involved in delivering
services to children understand the role
and responsibilities of Data Protection
Officers in relation to IRT
audit of current practice including the
identification of information-sharing
protocols, assessment processes,
strategies for securing the engagement
of stakeholders and mechanisms for
ensuring that children in need of support
receive appropriate services at the earliest
opportunity. The audit should cover
arrangements within the local authority,
between the local authority and other
statutory agencies and between the local
authority and voluntary sector agencies.
ensure that all agencies understand the
legal framework that enables them to
share information.
Timetable for Action on
Information Sharing
1 Local preventative strategies (LPS) seek to
co-ordinate the effective planning, commissioning and delivery of
preventative services to children and young people
within each local authority.
2. By the end of March 2004 local authorities
be able to demonstrate that more
effective information sharing between
health, education and social care is
improving services for children who
display one or more risk factors
ensure that practitioners working with
children have a shared understanding of
assessment, risk factors, service
thresholds that trigger action and service
eligibility criteria
have a service directory providing
comprehensive information on local
providers, eligibility criteria, geographical
location and referral procedures
have procedures for keeping this service
directory up to date and for ensuring
professionals working with children and
young people have access – allowing
public access where possible
publish a privacy statement to inform
children, young people and their families
about confidentiality and access to
have protocols in place for information
sharing covering health services,
education services and social care; and in
development for all other agencies
providing services to children and young
people, including the police and Youth
Offending Teams
publish guidance on obtaining and
documenting consent (including
information leaflets for children, young
people and their families, and consent
understand the authority’s specific
business needs in relation to information
have considered practical links between
systems at a local level, with agreed
standards for data collection, storage,
retrieval and transfer, based on the
e-Government Interoperability
Framework (e-GIF).
102 Every
child matters – The Consultation Process
and Summary of Questions
Every child matters
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